

2019-06-06  本文已影响5人  福州翻译Ivy

We may have suspected it already, but now the science backs it up: unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population. 我们可能会有点怀疑,但这种说法目前已经得到了科学的证实:未婚未育的女性是幸福感最高的群体。


She strongly suspected he was lying to her. 她非常怀疑他在对她撒谎。

怀疑某人做了某事,认为某人有做某事的嫌疑,suspect sb. of (doing) sth.

back up证实……,比如:Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory. 从该星系中心接收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论。


...a subcommittee on family values and individual rights. ...一个家庭价值观和个人权利的附属委员会。

..the subdivision of farms into smallholdings.  ...将农场再细分成小农场。


And they are more likely to live longer than their married and child-rearing peers, according to a leading expert in happiness.研究幸福方面的知名专家表示,他们很可能比已婚已育的同龄人更长寿。


抚养的近义词还有raise, bring up。

Speaking at the Hay Festival, Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics, said the latest evidence showed that the traditional markers used to measure success did not correlate with happiness — particularly marriage and raising children.伦敦政治经济学院行为科学教授保罗·多兰,在海伊文化节上发表演讲称,最新研究表明传统意义上用来衡量成功的标准(特别是婚姻与育儿)实际上与幸福并不相关。

开头第一句,speaking...作为状语,逻辑主语是主句主语a professor。

marker原意是标志物,引申为性质或特点的标志,比如the use of slang as a marker of social identity 代表着社会身份的俚语的使用。

traditional markers to measure success,后面的to measure...作为marker的后置定语,限定了这种marker的作用是衡量成功,因此可以理解为“传统意义上用来衡量成功的标准”。

"Married people are happier than other population subgroups, but only when their spouse is in the room when they're asked how happy they are. When the spouse is not present: it's miserable," he said.他说:“已婚人士比其他人群更幸福,但这仅限于被提问时,他们的配偶在场。当配偶不在场时,答案就很悲惨了。”

only when...这个从句修饰的是主语,只有在这样的情况下,married people are happier.后面还有一个when...则是修饰their spouse is in the room.

be present,此处的present形容词,在场的,注意Present在取这个词义时是不能用于名词前面的。不能用于名词前的present还可以表达“历历在目”的含义,比如哥哥去世时的情景她仍记忆犹新。The memory of her brother’s death is still present in her mind. 哥哥去世时的情景她仍记忆犹新。

如果要将present用于名词前,那么意思就变为“现有的”,比如现状the present situation。

"We do have some good longitudinal data following the same people over time, but I am going to do a massive disservice to that science and just say: if you're a man, you should probably get married; if you're a woman, don't bother."“我们长期做跟踪调查,确实得到一些良好的纵向数据,但我还是愿意说:如果你是男性,你可能应该选择结婚;如果你是女性 ,你可以选择不结婚。“

longitudinal纵观的,纵向的,通常是与很长一段时间内某事物的变化发展相关,比如:对失业工人的纵观研究a longitudinal study of unemployed workers 

do sb/sth a disservice,do a disservice to sb/sth是个固定词组,意思是损害[破坏]某人/某物的声誉[形象],比如:The fans have done the game a great disservice. 球迷们的行为大大损害了这项运动的名声。

bother麻烦,为某事费心,注意取此意时只用于否定句和疑问句中,比如Why bother to go abroad, when there are so many nice places here? 这里有这么多好地方,干吗还要费事去国外?

懒得做某事,可以是not bother doing sth./to do sth/with sth.,可以跟的搭配还是很多的。

Men benefited from marriage because they "calmed down", he said.他说,男性是从婚姻中受益的群体,因为他们可以“平静下来了”。

"You take less risks, you earn more money at work, and you live a little longer. She, on the other hand, has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married. The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children," he said.他表示:“男性承担的风险较低,工作收入更高,也会活得长一点。另一方面,女性必须忍受现状。假如她从未结婚,她会活得比现在长一些。最健康、最幸福的群体是从未结婚或从未生过孩子的女性。“

put up with sth.容忍,比如:They had put up with behaviour from their son which they would not have tolerated from anyone else. 他们容忍了自己儿子的行为,而换作别的任何人,他们才不会容忍。

近义词有很多,比如tolerate, endure, stand, 相关例句贴几个:

He can’t endure being apart from me. 他不能忍受和我分开。

We can't tolerate his mistakes. 我们不能容忍他的错误。

但在日常生活中,人们用stand多于endure,比如我痛得受不了了。I can't stand the pain.

程度更进一步的忍受就是“纵容”condone,一般跟的是不道德的事情作宾语,比如 I have never encouraged nor condoned violence. 我从来没有鼓励或纵容过暴力行为。

Dolan's latest book, Happy Ever After, cites evidence from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), which compared levels of pleasure and misery in unmarried, married, divorced, separated and widowed individuals. 多兰的新作《从此永远幸福快乐》,引用了美国人时间使用调查的证据,该调查比较了未婚、已婚、离婚、分居和丧偶的个体感受到的幸福及痛苦程度。

widowed形容词,丧偶的,名词widow有个很形象的词组football/golf widow足球/高尔夫球等寡妇,很幽默的用法,指因丈夫沉溺于观看足球赛、打高尔夫球等而被冷落的妻子。

The study found that levels of happiness reported by those who were married was higher than the unmarried, but only when their spouse was in the room. 该研究发现,当已婚人士的配偶在场时,他们回答的幸福水平高于未婚者。 

report此处的词义是对外公布、公告,通常是比较正式的场合,比如:Doctors have reported a 13% increase in the number of people with heart disease. 医生公布患心脏疾病的人数增加了13%。

Unmarried individuals reported lower levels of misery than married individuals who were asked when their spouse was not present.单身人士的痛苦程度要低于提问时配偶不在现场的已婚人士。

Other studies have measured some financial and health benefits in being married for both men and women on average, which Dolan said could be attributed to higher incomes and emotional support, allowing married people to take risks and seek medical help.其它研究表明,平均而言,结婚可以使男性和女性获得一些财务和健康福利。而多兰表示,这可能要归功于更高的收入和情感支持,可以让已婚人士承担风险并寻求医疗帮助。

这句话稍微长了点,主句studies have measured benefits,后面跟的是which非限制性定语从句,中间有个Dolan said作为插入语,非限制性定语从句的主干是which could be attributed to incomes and support,要注意到后面还有一个allowing...,修饰的是incomes and support。

However, Dolan said men showed more health benefits from tying the knot, as they took fewer risks. Women's health was mostly unaffected by marriage, withmiddle-aged married women even being at higher risk of physical and mental conditions than their single counterparts.然而,多兰表示,结婚给男性带来的健康好处更多,因为他们承担的风险较小。婚姻并没有改变多数女性的健康状况。中年已婚女性的身体和精神状况风险甚至高于单身同龄女性。

tie the knot结婚,表示结婚的词有很多,比如:


lead sb. to the altar娶某人为妻

take the vows

get hitched

Despite the benefits of a single, childless lifestyle for women, Dolan said that the existing narrative that marriage and children were signs of success meant that the stigma could lead some single women to feel unhappy.尽管未婚未育这种生活方式可以给女性带来一些好处,但多兰认为,当下大众常常以婚姻和孩子作为判断女性成功与否的标准,这种污名可能会让一些单身女性感到不快乐。

 the existing narrative that marriage and children were signs of success meant that the stigma could lead some single women to feel unhappy.这个部分中,narrative that...是一个同位语从句,描述的是narrative叙述的详细内容。

第二个meant that...是一个宾语从句,意味着……


