
2018-08-17  本文已影响0人  _喵__





Get stuffed: preserving animals

1. preserve

·preserved meat: 腌肉;咸肉

·preserved fruit: 果脯;蜜饯

·preserve: n. 蜜饯

stuff: n. 填充物 vt. 填充,塞满

preserve: vt. 保存;维持;腌制(文中可理解为防腐处理)

① A good taxidermist needs the patience of a scientist, the eye of a sculptor and the stomach of a surgeon.

开篇生动形象,展现格调 。

taxidermist: n.(动物标本)剥制师

·taxidermy: n. 动物标本剥制术

3. 排比结构:

An architect needs the heart of an artist, the brain of an engineer and the hand of a craftsman.


② The faint-hearted need not apply.



·(adj./n.)-hearted: 有……之心的;呈现出……心理状态的

·light-hearted: 轻松愉快的

·heavy-hearted: 心情沉重的

·warm-hearted: 热心的;有爱的

·cold-hearted: 冷淡的;无情的

·stone-hearted: 铁石心肠的

③ From today at the Saffron Walden Museum, north-east of London, an exhibition will explore 【the history of humans preserving the bodies of animals】—by gutting them, stuffing them and then rearranging their skin.

5. explore

·explore the history of...: 探索……的历史

·explore a place: 探索一个地方

·explore the theme of...: 探索……主题

4. apply

【·Those rules don't apply in】 my country. 这些规则在我的国家行不通。

·…Need Not Apply.  ……勿申。(你不够格,这份工作根本不会考虑你。)

·Humans【 Need Not Apply 】. 人类勿申。

gut: vt. 取出……的内脏  n. 内脏

④ Gruesome as it may be, the practice 【stretches back to,date back to. trace back to】 ancient Egypt, where the pets of 【the Pharaohs】 【were embalmed】 so they could be 【buried alongside】 their owners in their tombs. 恐怖,但是温情,人情味

gruesome: adj. 可怕的;毛骨悚然的

stretch back to: 回溯到

pharaoh: n. 法老

embalm: vt. 使……的尸体不腐;使……充满香气

7. embalm

·balm: n. 芳香;油脂;膏状物

·lip balm: 唇膏

·cooling balm: 清凉油

·en 做前缀,名词变动词(以 b, p, m 开头的单词前变成em),意为“使得……”

·empower: vt. 使……有权力;给予……力量

·enable: vt. 使……能够

⑤ Many famous animals have【 since副词,从那以后,从那时起 experienced a similar fate. 】

⑥ In Saint Petersburg there's one of Pavlov's dogs (no drool remains).

drool: n. 口水;vi. 流口水

⑦ In Melbourne【 Phar Lap法老之膝】, the champion racehorse with the extraordinarily big heart, 【still stands tall. 】stand 做系动词

stand idle机器闲置,人袖手旁观

stand still

⑧ And 【Athena,雅典娜】 the beloved pet owl of Florence 【Nightingale南丁格尔护士精神的代表】, has a permanent home in London.

⑨ Taxidermy【 has a reputation✘中性词 for being creepy】, but it 【offers some fascinating slices of the past.


gitting them, stuffing them, and then rearranging their skin.

Saffron Walden Museum 萨福隆沃尔登博物馆


Saint Petersburg 圣彼得堡


Pavlov 巴甫洛夫


Phar Lap “法老之膝”

澳大利亚著名的赛马,又称“巨肺马王”(Big heart),它的心脏比普通马大两倍。中国《相马经》言:“心大则肺大,肺大则能奔”。

Florence Nightingale 佛罗伦斯·南丁格尔


He doesnt have the guts to do sth

a beer gut啤酒肚

发朋友圈之前,不少人为了展现更美好的生活状态会对照片加以“微调”,或是加个滤镜显得逼格更高,或是磨个皮瘦个脸拉个大长腿。现在,国外竟然有款大热的修图软件可以做到“乾坤大挪移”,让你足不出户环游世界,什么“我要带你去浪漫的土耳其,然后一起去东京和巴黎”,全都不在话下,想去哪里帮你 PS 到哪里。这是怎么回事?让我们跟着雪梨一起看看这篇来自《华盛顿邮报》的报道吧。

【instant camera+ telegram成为instgram】

The app 【millennials 】are using to 【look like world travelers 】on Instagram

千禧一代正在使用这个 app 假扮 Instagram 上的环游世界者

Instagram has turned 【“travel bragging”】 —【posting alluring images from exotic locales】 to 【one-up】 your followers—into something of an art form. 

Instagram 已经把“照骗旅行”——即在社交媒体上发布异国拍摄的美照,以此显得自己比粉丝更加新潮——转变为一种艺术形式。


n. 场所,地点

one-up /'wʌnʌp/

v. 比...更加新潮

【Amass enough followers and you could gain〔 influencer 网红〕 status】, allowing you to【 leverage your “social media clout 社交媒体影响力】to travel the world, frequently in luxury.” That goal may【 partly explain 】 why surveys from around the world are beginning to show that 【significant numbers of millennials】 【spend multiple hours a day on】 their smartphones while traveling and would【 prefer posting 〔jealousy-inducing 〕 selfies】 to photos with loved ones. 


v. 积累

By the time he was 30, he had amassed a fortune. 

leverage their 【personal contacts】 to find new investors


The Queen may have privilege but she 【has no real political clout.】


Now companies are beginning to 【capitalize on】 the pressure to post 【awe-inducing photos 】on social media as well. Among the most successful is Krome Photos, a photo editing website that uses artificial intelligence to 【pair people with professional photo editors 修图师】who can take your images and transform them to make it look like you’re anywhere in the world. The cost of edits 【range between 】$3 and $12 and most take between 12 or 24 hours. 

现在,各家公司也开始利用人们这种在社交媒体上发布令人惊叹的照片的压力。其中最成功的公司之一是 Krome Photos,这个照片编辑网站使用人工智能将人们与专业修图师配对,他们拿到你的图像后,会对其进行 PS,使其看起来像你在世界上任何地方。 编辑费用在 3 美元到 12 美元之间,大部分需要 12 或 24 小时。

“In the old days our car or our house 【represented who we were】,” said Eduardo Llach, the company’s chief executive and founder who compared his【 employment model用人模式】 to Uber. “Now, your 【online persona 】线上人设 is everything and people are realizing that photos give you the ability to create whoever you want to be.” 

persona /pərˈsoʊnə/

n. 人物设定,人格面具

He had a shy side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona. 

“在过去,我们的汽车或房子代表了我们的身份,”该公司首席执行官兼创始人 Eduardo Llach 表示,他将自己的用人模式与优步进行了比较。 “现在,你的线上人格就是一切,人们都意识到‘照骗’让你有能力把自己打造成任何心仪的模样。”

For some, Instagram【 filters】 are already 【passe】. Now, Llach 【noted】, people are beginning to 【bypass conventional filters 】and editing apps on their smartphone and 【relying instead on artificial intelligence.  】

对于一些人来说,Instagram 的滤镜已经过时了。 现在,Llach 指出,人们开始绕过传统的滤镜和手机上的修图 App,转而依赖人工智能。

—————  文章来源 / 华盛顿邮报

Writing personal letters, unfortunately, is passe. 

Krome Photos 官网

网红经济这把火,究竟能烧多久?曾有数据显示,48%的 95 后选择不就业,54%的 95 后想成为网络主播或网红。“成为网红或网络主播”是半数学生向往的职业道路。

在美国,有个爆火的网络社交平台叫 Instagram,世界各地的网友聚集在此并分享自己的照片。Instagram 目前估值高达 350 亿美元,甚至有机构预测整体估值会超过 700 亿。有网络社交,就会有网络意见领袖的存在,Instagram 的用户量将达到 10 亿人,于是和微博一样,这里也存在诸多网络红人。究竟哪五种网红最受欢迎呢?我们来看一看吧! 


对于爱美的女生来说,关注一个化妆技术超群的博主绝对是一件很必要的事,因为在欣赏她们美貌的同时,还能学会很多化妆技巧,种草很多化妆品;对于追求健美身材的人来说,正确的健身方法是求之不得的,关注健身类博主可以快速找到最适合自己的健身方法。把这些需求放到 Instagram 上,也是一样的道理。






说到明星网红,你第一时间只能想到国内微博上的刘烨、李小璐吗等明星大 V 吗?其实在 Instagram 上,这类明星网红并不少,而且大受欢迎。金卡戴珊、巨石强森等明星相信大部分人都不陌生,他们在 Instagram 上拥有上亿的粉丝。这些明星网红虽然从事电视、电影、音乐和体育等不同行业,但他们都能通过网络社交这种方式来增值自己,吸引无数粉丝,延长自己的职业生涯。


Instagram 作为一个专注于美学的图片社交平台,那些惊艳、罕见、闻所未闻的冒险旅游类照片总能大受欢迎。这类博主在亲自探险、旅游时拍下这些照片,并讲述照片背后的故事,很多人都喜欢一边欣赏照片,一边倾听这些或美丽、或惊险、或平淡的故事。值得注意的是,《2000 元+3 步走=国际网红,这套路让我想起了微博卖药的》这篇文章里,美国媒体 Mediakix 花钱打造的假网红之一就是旅游摄影类博主,而且迅速受到关注。

I was attacked by the haters杠精 and trolls喷子 online.


U can just unfollow取关 or even block拉黑 them


Yeah, and they were quick to take sides



A Heaven must be missing an angel.


B Why, did your bad breath kill one?


Chinese Valentine's Day七夕节

4. 【动词】遗漏,错过机会 miss out

Miss Smith kept looking at her cell phone because she had FOMO(fear of missing out).



❶ 原味篇

① 你经常来这里吗?

Do you come here often?

② 我可以请你喝一杯吗?

May I buy you a drink?

③ 我可以加入你吗?(一起玩/喝酒/吃饭/聊天吗)

May I join you?

④ 我以前见过你吗?

Have I seen you before?

⑤ 我可以坐在这里吗?

Is it okay if I sit here?

⑥ 像你这么漂亮的女孩来这里做什么呢?What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?

⑦ 你太美了,害我把背好的搭讪台词都搞忘了。

You're so beautiful you made me forget my【 pickup line.】

❷ 土味篇

① 是因为这里太热还是因为你?

Is it hot in here or is it just you?

② 我弄丢了我的电话号码,能把你的电话号码给我吗?

I lost my phone number, can I have yours?

③ 怎么听上去好像附近有个机场?难道是我的心正在起飞?

Is there an airport nearby or is that my heart taking off?

④ 你的手看上去很重,我来帮你托着。

Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you.

⑤ 可以找你借个吻吗?我保证还给你。

Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back.

⑥ 你相信一见钟情吗?还是要我退回去再路过一次?

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

❸ 近期最自然篇

A Looks good.


B Yeh...(表示赞同)

A No, you look good.


B ... (捂脸痴笑)

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