Confusing Sherlock

2016-01-17  本文已影响0人  晓曦同学

I have been hearing about Sherlock but never watched it. Recently I took a few days to finish all 3 seasons. Honestly speaking, except a study in the pink(S1E01), the great games(S1E03), and the Reinchenbach Fall(S2E03), the other episodes really make me feel that Sherlock has been receiving unworthy praises. Many plots are quite confusing and even contradictory, not logical at all. Below I list some confusing points, maybe I just didn't completely comprehend every detail.

1. In S1E02, it's really absurd for the scripter to make Zhizhu climb hundreds of floors just to paint a threating figure. Shouldn't it be a secret? You use a code to keep the threat a **secret**, while painting it in a skyscraper where thousands of people work and everybody would know. That's ridiculous, can't you just paint it in the banker's bedroom? And why the Chineses have to make the threats? They just lost a treasure, and it turns out in the end that the banker just took it unintentionally. Why can't just gather them together and make a discussion? Three victims just get killed for no reasons. The story is completely nonsense.

2. S2E01 is a good romantic story of Sherlock and The woman. I was really shocked when I am Sherlocked came out(this scene really moved a lot of people), however people in S2E01 still take actions illogically. The first confusing point is the call made by Adler to Moriarty. What's that thing which attract Moriarty's interests? And that thing could stop him from murdering Sherlock? Basing on the following story, I guessed that maybe Adler needs Sherlock to decipher the intelligence she obtained from the man of MOD, which we know is about an airplane terrorists wanted to explode. But what is very confusing is that why the intelligence is valuable. Maybe Moriarty has some connections with terrorists thus he helped the terrorists realized that their intelligences had been compromised. However how he could determine that intelligence is so valuable that Sherlock had to survive to decipher it before it was deciphered? The second point is about the protection by Adler's phone. Throughout the story I didn't find any protection provided by the phone. It only brought troubles on the contrary. If the information in the phone is really powerful enough to stop some bad guys hurting her, there should be people protecting her secretly, otherwise some people, like CIA agents, would try to capture the phone and own the intelligences in it. However nobody came to assist her when the phone was almost captured. It seems that except the highness, who sent Sherlock to retrieve the photos, nobody really cares the consequences. That's really absurd. And the third point is the necessity of Adler's fake death. Why some people need her to be dead? If the target is the phone, any person who wants it won't be able to achieve the intelligences with Adler dead. And there are many other illogical details. Why did Moriarty tell Mycroft about the deciphered intelligence? How did the CIA agents find out the phone is in Sherlock's hand? Why did Adler threat Mycroft after so many dangers while she could do that much earlier? Despite the romantics, S201 is really not consistent at all, totally confusing.

3. S3E03 is the worst episode of the entire serial. I believe many people would agree that. When everybody is waiting to see how Sherlock is going to make a beautiful counterattack just like the one in S2E03, the scripter let him put a bullet in the bad guy's head. That's ridiculous. Moriarty should have thousands of chances to murder Sherlock if violence could be  considered as an option after brilliance failed. Even that shot itself is illogical, because Magnussen is a very cautious man who carefully searched Sherlock and Watson's body before meeting them. It's inconsistent for him to let them approach him without security check.

Well, besides the confusing points discussed above, there are still many unsatisfactory points throughout the serial, like S3E02's case is a little to simple, the details of how the murderer in S1E01 makes victims choose the poisons are not very clear, and the whole season 3 is full of embarrassing sentiments. Despite all the ungratified points mentioned, *Sherlock* is still a serial of very high quality. The actors are excellent, the shots are delicate, the pace is comfortable, the conversations are funny, the music is impressive and the presentation techniques are remarkable. It's really worthy of taking time to watch. But I strongly believe that people do have overestimated this serial.

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