
2022-07-06  本文已影响0人  孤鹤横江


I am a massive science fiction geek. Ever since I was young, I've been captivated by tales of interstellar adventure, aliens, robots, and cutting-edge technology. I always loved the concept of cyborgs. That's a human-robot hybrid1. They are ordinary humans who have been enhanced in some way by technology; more intelligence, faster speed or better resilience to disease and damage. Great ideas, but I never thought I'd see them in my lifetime.

Well, I stand corrected. Integrated biology and technology is already here and people have wasted no time utilising it to re-engineer their bodies. Take, for example, Neil Harbisson, who has an antenna2 protruding3 from his head that allows him to hear colour, or Moon Ribas, who has an implant4 that allows her to sense seismic5 activity. Now, neither are abilities that I particularly covet6, but it's a start.

And it doesn't end there.

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