每日一词122/2019.3.12/the envy of
2019-03-12 本文已影响0人
1. 英英释义:to be something that other people admire and want to have very much
2. 理解:"envy"可以是动词也可以是名词,意思都是“妒忌”。它作名词是有个常见、好用、地道的用法 the envy of, 意思是“令……羡慕、望尘莫及”,of后面一般接的是同类事物,比如其他国家、其他同类产品等。我们可以使用the envy of替换admire, admirable等词。
Even at its subdued current rate, China's growth is still the envy of most countries.
3. 应用:
American universities are the envy of the entire world.
2) 造句:
a. 语境:他的超强学习能力让班上其他同学羡慕。
b. 句子: His super ability for learning is the envy of our class.