我在连续几天的学习与工作中,渐渐发现了自己效率低下,精力不足的问题,并为此深感焦虑,在这周五的时候,终于在bookstore买了一本《HBR-On Managing Yourself》。希望能学习到一些关于自我管理以及精力管理的方法。
我开始重视自我管理,学习方法已经对于自己精力的监控,我发现我没有合理分配自己的精力,任由自己的精力被闲杂琐碎的事情以及娱乐所吸引,这是无用的碎片化信息以及缺少自控导致的。另外一点,我要保持对High achievement的追求,保持high self-esteem.
How to maxmize myself and stay engaged in professional field, is what I concern most now.The objects are to replenish physical and metal energy everyday and to keep a good habit of self-discipline.
HBR-How will you measure your life?
The first essay I read here is "How will you measure your life?" There are some basic ideas that inspired me:
1.Frederick Herzberg's assertion: The most powerful motivaor is not money, it is the opportunity to learn, grow in responsibility, contribute and be recognized for achievement.
3. Life only gets more demanding. Take time to realize your purpose of life and strategy and apply them daily.
4.If you are not guided by a clear sense of purpose, you are likely to fritter way your time and energy on obtaining the most tangible, short-term signs of achievement. Do not focus on the marginal costs. It lead people astray.
5. Some "Just once" marginal costs might seem alluringly low but would end up to severe outcome.
6. People with high self-esteem respect self's value as well as others. They tend to be more humble.