
2016-07-10  本文已影响0人  百家收藏武老师

Zhejiang royal Tibetan cabinet private museum products recommended:


Name:Bulk try yuan COINS


Category: miscellaneous

规格: 总重量   92.3g

Specification: the total weight of 92.3 g




It is understood that the international gold and silver prices rise and fall, also stimulate the traditional collection market, nearly five years of time, the years of the republic of China yuan bulk silver is up or down. Even under the impact of the financial crisis in 2008, the "big head" yuan can maintain stable prices. The personage inside course of study thinks, the next "big head" yuan collection still has a larger value space. In addition, for the long-term investment, the short-term price volatility also won't have too big effect.

此组钱币组合中,袁大头试铸币正面为袁世凯侧面像,上列"中华民国三年"。"年"字后没有"造"字。三年版"民"字中有一"点"。钱面乃袁世凯光头侧面像,上环“中华民国三年造”,钱背中书汉字“壹元” 周围环嘉禾纹饰。“袁大头”有老模和新模两种模具,老模具为185道边齿,新模具为170道边齿。铸造量极少,而且袁像下巴前衣领未封领,肩章较宽,五星比较凸出。"袁大头"在货币收藏界被称为银元中的瑰宝,当时,为了巩固国内政局稳定,发展民族经济,也为"制宪"和"称帝"作准备,于是毅然决定在全国"统一币制"。它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色。

Big head to try this coin group, yuan COINS positive profile to yuan shikai, the above "three years of the republic of China". After "years" not "built". Three years version of "people" have a "point" in the word. On the surface of money is yuan shikai baldheaded profile, ring "made in the three years of the republic of China" and the money back in the book Chinese characters "one yuan" ring around the golden grain. "Big head" yuan with old and new modes of two kinds of molds, the old mould of 185 heats, the new mould of 170 heats. Before casting, and the like and yuan chin collar not seal, with wide, the five-star more protruding. "Big head" yuan in money collecting is known as gems of silver, at that time, in order to consolidate the domestic political stability, the development of national economy, as well as preparing "constitution" and "peanuts", so he decided to "unified monetary" across the country. It is the most popular in China in nearly one thousand kinds of modern silver, silver varieties, and the greatest influence is also an important role in the pace of change in modern China.



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