
笃学金-Topic 5-B19714-France's

2017-04-26  本文已影响25人  曦熙何兮

day 15 words and expressions

1. hallmark : n

(1) a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing: 标志,特征                                                                eg. Simplicity is a hallmark of this design.

(2) an official mark put on things made of gold, silver, or platinum that indicates the quality of the metal, where the object was made, and who made it. (金银等制品上的) 标记                                                             eg. Early pieces of Scottish silver carry the hallmarks of individual silver smiths.

2. insurgent: n

(1) someone who is fighting against the government in their own country:  叛乱者                                            eg. All approaches to the capital are now under the control of the insurgents.

​ (2) someone who opposes political authority insurgency:  a violent attempt to oppose a country's government carried out by citizens of that country. 暴动

3. charismatic: adj  /ˌker.ɪzˈmæt̬.ɪk/                                    n: charisma

A charismatic person attracts, influences, and inspires people by their personal qualities. 有魅力的                                                                                                                                                                                 eg. With her striking looks and charismatic personality, she was noticed far and wide.

4. upstart: n You can refer to someone as an upstart when they behave as if they are important, but you think that they are too new in a place or job to be treated as important.自命不凡的人

eg. Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.

5. realignment: n  If a company, economy, or system goes through a realignment, it is organized or arranged in a new way. (公司、经济或体系)重组; 重新安排; 重新调整

eg:a realignment of the existing political structure

6. reverberation: n

(1) Reverberations are serious effects that follow a sudden, dramatic event. 反响; 轰动

eg. In the end, the attempt failed, but the reverberations still can be felt today.

(2) A reverberation is the shaking and echoing effect that you hear after a loud sound has been made. 回响; 回声

eg. Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door.

7. self-dealing: a situation in which someone uses their position in an organization to gain a personal advantage: 假公济私

eg. Current controlling rules of self-dealing in U. S. are procedural fairness rule and substantial fairness rule.

8. standard-bearer: 领袖,代表

9. anguish: n extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering: 极度痛苦

eg. His anguish at the outcome of the court case was very clear.                                                                eg. In her anguish she forgot to leave a message.

10. vim: n energy and enthusiasm: 精力, 活力

eg. At 87, Minna's still full of vim and vigour.

11. jangle : n. 争吵,吵嚷;刺耳声              eg:The piano is badly out of tune and jangles on my ears.

vt. 使发出刺耳声;使争论, 使烦躁;使不安        eg.The baby's crying jangled my nerves.

vi. 刺耳响;争论,吵架

12. rift : n

(1) a large crack in the ground or in rock:  裂缝                                                                                           eg. The stream had cut a deep rift in the rock.

​(2) A rift between people or countries is a serious quarrel or disagreement that stops them from having a good relationship. 不和

The marriage caused a rift between the brothers and they didn't speak to each other for ten years.

13. come/get to grips with sth: to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation:认真处理

eg. The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time.

14. overhaul :

(1) n/v  If a piece of equipment is overhauled, it is cleaned, checked thoroughly, and repaired if necessary. 全面检修

eg. They had ensured the plumbing was overhauled a year ago.

(2) n/v  If you overhaul a system or method, you examine it carefully and make many changes in it in order to improve it. 改革; 修订

eg.The government has recently overhauled the healthcare system.

15. stasis:  a state in which something remains the same, and does not change or develop. 停滞                              blood stasis:血瘀

eg. Rock 'n' roll had entered a period of stasis.

16. bum:

n: 流浪汉,无赖

adj:bad in quality or not useful

v: bum off 讨要          eg. ​Could I bum a cigarette off you?

17. evict : If someone is evicted from the place where they are living, they are forced to leave it, usually because they have broken a law or contract. 驱逐

eg. They were evicted from their apartment after their mother became addicted to drugs.

18. decry: v  [formal] : to criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary:谴责

eg. Lawyers decried the imprisonment of several journalists.

19. foment:v [ formal] to cause trouble to develop:煽动    n fomenter: 煽动者

eg. They accused strike leaders of fomenting violence.

20. mosque:  A mosqueis a building where Muslims go to worship. 清真寺

21. stanch /stɔːntʃ/

1.V:  to stem the flow of (a liquid, esp blood) or (of a liquid) to stop flowing 止住(液体,尤指血液)

2.N: a primitive form of lock in which boats are carried over shallow parts of a river in a rush of water released by the lock 简易船闸

22. trickle : v/n

(1) trickle down, from, out of, etc. sth:  ​If liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line: 细流

eg. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth.                                                                                            eg. Oil was trickling from a tiny hole in the tank.

(2) trickle verb [ I ] (SMALL NUMBER) :trickle in, out, back, etc.:  ​to arrive or move somewhere slowly and gradually, in small numbers: 慢慢移动

eg. Gradually people trickled back into the theatre for the second half.

23. resurrect :  If you resurrect something, you cause it to exist again after it had disappeared or ended. 复兴    n. resurrection

eg.  Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.

24. staunchly: strongly 坚定地,忠实地

eg. His fears of an agonizing death had been allayed and he was now staunchly opposed to euthanasia.

25. cumbersome: adj

(1). Something that is cumbersome is large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry, wear, or handle. 笨重的

eg. Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.

(2) .A cumbersome system or process is very complicated and inefficient. 不方便的; 缺乏效率的

eg....an old and cumbersome computer syste

26. manifesto: a statement published by a person or group of people, especially a political party, or a government, in which they say what their aims and policies are. 宣言

eg. The Republicans are currently drawing up their election.

27. pitch :

n. 音高;程度;树脂;倾斜;投掷;球场

v. (1)  If someone is pitched into a new situation, they are suddenly forced into it. 迫使进入 (一种新的处境)

eg. They were being pitched into a new adventure in which they would have to fight the whole world.

(2)  If a sound is pitched at a particular level, it is produced at the level indicated. 使 (音调)达到(指定水准)

eg.  His cry is pitched at a level that makes it impossible to ignore.

(3) If something is pitched at a particular level or degree of difficulty, it is set at that level. 给…设定水平 (或难度)

eg. While this is very important material I think it's probably pitched at too hi

gh a level for our students.

(4) V-T If someone pitches an idea for something such as a new product, they try to persuade people to accept the idea. 力荐(某主张)

eg. My agent has pitched the idea to my editor in New York.

(5) If someone makes a pitch for something, they try to persuade people to do or buy it. 游说

eg.  The president speaks in New York today, making another pitch for his economic programme.

28. beleaguered adj

​(1) having a lot of problems or difficulties:

eg. The arrival of the fresh medical supplies was a welcome sight for the beleaguered doctors working in the refugee camps.

​(2) surrounded by an army: 被包围的

eg. The occupants of the beleaguered city had no means of escape.

29. trim  (1) adj. 整齐美观的,苗条的

(2)v a. If you trim something, for example, someone's hair, you cut off small amounts of it in order to make it look neater. 修剪

eg.  My friend trims my hair every eight weeks.

b. If a government or other organization trims something such as a plan, policy, or amount, they reduce it slightly in extent or size. 削减

eg.  American companies looked at ways they could trim these costs.


c.  If something such as a piece of clothing is trimmed with a type of material or design, it is decorated with it, usually along its edges. 镶边于

eg. ...jackets, which are then trimmed with crocheted flowers.

30. slash: v. 砍,劈;挥舞 (刀等) 击打  n . 斜线号

To slash something such as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amount. 大幅度削减

eg. Car makers could be forced to slash prices.

31.repudiate  V-T      n. repudiation

If you repudiate something or someone, you show that you strongly disagree with them and do not want to be connected with them in any way. 批判

eg. Leaders urged people to turn out in large numbers to repudiate the violence.

32. status quo : N-SING The status quo is the state of affairs that exists at a particular time, especially in contrast to a different possible state of affairs. 现状

eg. By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo.

33. hefty :  adj

(1). Hefty means large in size, weight, or amount. 庞大的; 沉重的

eg. She was quite a hefty woman.

(2)  A hefty movement is done with a lot of force. 有力的

eg. Max grabbed Sascha's hair and she retaliated by giving him a hefty

34. run off (running,ran,runs)

(1). PHRASAL VERB If you run off with someone, you secretly go away with them in order to live with them or marry them. (与某人) 私奔

eg. The last thing I'm going to do is run off with somebody's husband.

(2).PHRASAL VERB If you run off copies of a piece of writing, you produce them using a machine. 复印

eg. If you want to run off a copy sometime today, you're welcome to.

(3) PHRASE If you say that someone is running off at the mouth, you are criticizing them for talking too much. 喋喋不休表不满

eg. That was when she really started running off at the mouth. I'll bet she hasn't shut up yet.

n. 流量,溢流;决赛,决胜选举;溢放口

day 16 神句翻译& 思维导图


1. Stagnation, both political and economic, has been the hallmark of a country where little has changed for decades, even as power has rotated between the established parties of left and right.



注:established这个词很有意思,绝对的报刊高频词,通常表示某事/人/物已有稳固地位,比如established capitalist

countries通常被翻成老牌资本主义国家。They are an established

company with a good reputation.他们是一家地位稳固,信誉良好的公司。An established actor著名演员。

2. The implications of these insurgencies are hard to exaggerate.



Insurgencies: 原指an attempt to take control of a country by force,此处是和老牌政党形成对比。

3. The resulting realignment will have reverberations far beyond France’s borders. It could revitalize the European Union, or wreck it.




4. Further fueling voter’s anger is their anguish at the state of France.



5. Its vast state, which absorbs 57% of GDP, has sapped the country’s vitality.


庞大的政府消耗了GDP的57%, 国家的活力因此而被削弱。

Sap vitality/energy/confidence: sap sth/sap sb of sth: to make sb/sth weaker; to destroy sth gradually.  The hot sun sapped our energy. Years of failure have sapped him of his confidence.

注:Vast state指政府臃肿庞大,开支惊人,中国2010年政府开支占GDP比重为22%, 供参考~

6. If she pulls France out of the euro, it would trigger a financial crisis and doom a union that, for all its flaws, has promoted peace and prosperity in Europe for six decades.



For all=despite很眼熟有木有??!高频词,赶紧内化起来o~~~


1. Uselessness and self-dealing of the ruling class:执政党派的不作为和假公济私

2. Exposed deep cultural rifts with … 和…存在严重的文化冲突

3. Get to grips with: 认真对待、处理

4. Overhaul of pensions and social security 检查社保和养老金的发放情况

5. Massive strikes: 大规模罢工

6. Tap into that frustration: 利用民众的失望情绪

7. Radically different:截然不同

8. Call a referendum on leaving the EI  就是否退出欧盟进行投票

9. Staunchly pro-trade/embraces cultural change and technological disruption. 坚定支持对外贸易,文化交流和技术变革

10. Be short on precise policies: 没有出台具体的政策

11. Pitch himself as… 自称为……

12. Trim the state payroll by… 裁掉…政府人员

13. Repudiation of the status quo: 摒弃现状

14. Appeal to sb: 求助于/诉诸于

15. Hefty loan: 大笔贷款

16. Suffer hacking attacks :遭受黑客攻击

17. Slash labor code: 大幅修改劳动法

18. Enact agenda: 付诸行动



晨曦 导师导图

day 17 小结

          这篇文章真是紧跟政治潮流啊,手动赞一个。让我这个对外国政局不怎么敏感的小白竟然觉得法国大选还真的挺有意思的哈。去年和今年政治风云变幻,神马奇葩怪事,一切皆有可能。这篇文章脉络很清晰,作者观点立场都很明确。题目 “France's next revolution” 就说明了此次大选将给法国带来革命性变化,而且其影响范围大大超出法国本土,也会对欧盟产生重要影响,甚至会决定其命运。文章正文介绍了选民对法国政府当局的不满,导致传统左右派在大选第一轮便出局。接着是两大 insurgent  leaders. 勒庞和马卡龙以及他们各自的政策主张。在文章末尾,作者分别分析了他们两人选举胜利后会给法国和欧盟带来的影响。马卡龙的胜利将是 'evidence that liberalism still appeals to Europeans' 而勒庞的胜利将会使“France poorer, more insular and nastier”。作者显然是支持马卡龙上位的。


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