
2017-08-05  本文已影响0人  狮子和羊
虚己的创造主 “5你们当以基督耶稣的心为心: 6他本有 神的形象, 不以自己与 神同等为强夺的; 7反倒虚己, 取了奴仆的形象, 成为人的样式;” 腓立比书 2:5-7
Philippians 2:5-7
Attitudes can sometimes be like the clothes we wear: changeable. An attitude is something we wear on our minds which other people can directly observe. Our friends and family can see the attitudes we wear towards the gospel in our lives. They can see whether we genuinely care about what Jesus has done for us or whether we are unmoved? Verse 5-7 tells us what Jesus has done for us. Jesus did the unthinkable for us: in order to save you and me, he gave up the comfort and joys of heaven. He did not consider his own status as the Creator (verse 6), did not consider his own rights as Creator, but chose to become part of the Created (verse 7). Not just to be the created but also to serve Creation. What God would choose to be Nothing for us? Our Jesus, that is who. It is his attitude of obedience and love to leave comfort for the sake of serving others that you and I should celebrate. Only our Jesus left his comfortable life to save you and me. Today, as people who have heard about Jesus, we must first start deciding what our attitude to Jesus is today. To the unmoved, he remains just our servant. To those who realize who he is and what he has done for us, he is our Lord.

This is our choice of what attitude to wear today and has been the choice of countless young Christians in history who have decided to live for Jesus.
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