
基于 Gensim 的 Word2Vec 实践

2017-09-14  本文已影响254人  chaaffff


Gensim中 Word2Vec 模型的期望输入是进过分词的句子列表,即是某个二维数组。这里我们暂时使用 Python 内置的数组,不过其在输入数据集较大的情况下会占用大量的 RAM。Gensim 本身只是要求能够迭代的有序句子列表,因此在工程实践中我们可以使用自定义的生成器,只在内存中保存单条语句。

# 引入 word2vecfrom gensim.models import word2vec# 引入日志配置import logginglogging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)# 引入数据集raw_sentences = ["the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs","yoyoyo you go home now to sleep"]# 切分词汇sentences= [s.encode('utf-8').split() for s in sentences]# 构建模型model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, min_count=1)# 进行相关性比较model.similarity('dogs','you')

这里我们调用Word2Vec创建模型实际上会对数据执行两次迭代操作,第一轮操作会统计词频来构建内部的词典数结构,第二轮操作会进行神经网络训练,而这两个步骤是可以分步进行的,这样对于某些不可重复的流(譬如 Kafka 等流式数据中)可以手动控制:

model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(iter=1)  # an empty model, no training yetmodel.build_vocab(some_sentences)  # can be a non-repeatable, 1-pass generatormodel.train(other_sentences)  # can be a non-repeatable, 1-pass generator

Word2Vec 参数


model = Word2Vec(sentences, min_count=10) # default value is 5



size参数主要是用来设置神经网络的层数,Word2Vec 中的默认值是设置为100层。更大的层次设置意味着更多的输入数据,不过也能提升整体的准确度,合理的设置范围为 10~数百。

model = Word2Vec(sentences, size=200) # default value is 100



model = Word2Vec(sentences, workers=4) # default = 1 worker = no parallelization


在真实的训练场景中我们往往会使用较大的语料集进行训练,譬如这里以 Word2Vec 官方的text8为例,只要改变模型中的语料集开源即可:

sentences = word2vec.Text8Corpus('text8')model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, size=200)

这里语料集中的语句是经过分词的,因此可以直接使用。笔者在第一次使用该类时报错了,因此把 Gensim 中的源代码贴一下,也方便以后自定义处理其他语料集:

class Text8Corpus(object):    """Iterate over sentences from the "text8" corpus, unzipped from ."""    def __init__(self, fname, max_sentence_length=MAX_WORDS_IN_BATCH):        self.fname = fname        self.max_sentence_length = max_sentence_length    def __iter__(self):        # the entire corpus is one gigantic line -- there are no sentence marks at all        # so just split the sequence of tokens arbitrarily: 1 sentence = 1000 tokens        sentence, rest = [], b''        with utils.smart_open(self.fname) as fin:            while True:                text = rest +  # avoid loading the entire file (=1 line) into RAM                if text == rest:  # EOF                    words = utils.to_unicode(text).split()                    sentence.extend(words)  # return the last chunk of words, too (may be shorter/longer)                    if sentence:                        yield sentence                    break                last_token = text.rfind(b' ')  # last token may have been split in two... keep for next iteration                words, rest = (utils.to_unicode(text[:last_token]).split(),                              text[last_token:].strip()) if last_token >= 0 else ([], text)                sentence.extend(words)                while len(sentence) >= self.max_sentence_length:                    yield sentence[:self.max_sentence_length]                    sentence = sentence[self.max_sentence_length:]

我们在上文中也提及,如果是对于大量的输入语料集或者需要整合磁盘上多个文件夹下的数据,我们可以以迭代器的方式而不是一次性将全部内容读取到内存中来节省 RAM 空间:

class MySentences(object):    def __init__(self, dirname):        self.dirname = dirname    def __iter__(self):        for fname in os.listdir(self.dirname):            for line in open(os.path.join(self.dirname, fname)):                yield line.split()sentences = MySentences('/some/directory') # a memory-friendly iteratormodel = gensim.models.Word2Vec(sentences)

模型保存与读取'text8.model')2015-02-24 11:19:26,059 : INFO : saving Word2Vec object under text8.model, separately None2015-02-24 11:19:26,060 : INFO : not storing attribute syn0norm2015-02-24 11:19:26,060 : INFO : storing numpy array 'syn0' to text8.model.syn0.npy2015-02-24 11:19:26,742 : INFO : storing numpy array 'syn1' to text8.model.syn1.npymodel1 = Word2Vec.load('text8.model') model.save_word2vec_format('text.model.bin', binary=True)2015-02-24 11:19:52,341 : INFO : storing 71290x200 projection weights into text.model.bin model1 = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format('text.model.bin', binary=True)2015-02-24 11:22:08,185 : INFO : loading projection weights from text.model.bin2015-02-24 11:22:10,322 : INFO : loaded (71290, 200) matrix from text.model.bin2015-02-24 11:22:10,322 : INFO : precomputing L2-norms of word weight vectors


Word2Vec 最著名的效果即是以语义化的方式推断出相似词汇:

model.most_similar(positive=['woman', 'king'], negative=['man'], topn=1)[('queen', 0.50882536)]model.doesnt_match("breakfast cereal dinner lunch";.split())'cereal'model.similarity('woman', 'man')0.73723527model.most_similar(['man'])[(u'woman', 0.5686948895454407), (u'girl', 0.4957364797592163), (u'young', 0.4457539916038513), (u'luckiest', 0.4420626759529114), (u'serpent', 0.42716869711875916), (u'girls', 0.42680859565734863), (u'smokes', 0.4265017509460449), (u'creature', 0.4227582812309265), (u'robot', 0.417464017868042), (u'mortal', 0.41728296875953674)]


model['computer']  # raw NumPy vector of a wordarray([-0.00449447, -0.00310097,  0.02421786, ...], dtype=float32)


Word2Vec 的训练属于无监督模型,并没有太多的类似于监督学习里面的客观评判方式,更多的依赖于端应用。Google 之前公开了20000条左右的语法与语义化训练样本,每一条遵循A is to B as C is to D这个格式,地址在这里:

model.accuracy('/tmp/questions-words.txt')2014-02-01 22:14:28,387 : INFO : family: 88.9% (304/342)2014-02-01 22:29:24,006 : INFO : gram1-adjective-to-adverb: 32.4% (263/812)2014-02-01 22:36:26,528 : INFO : gram2-opposite: 50.3% (191/380)2014-02-01 23:00:52,406 : INFO : gram3-comparative: 91.7% (1222/1332)2014-02-01 23:13:48,243 : INFO : gram4-superlative: 87.9% (617/702)2014-02-01 23:29:52,268 : INFO : gram5-present-participle: 79.4% (691/870)2014-02-01 23:57:04,965 : INFO : gram7-past-tense: 67.1% (995/1482)2014-02-02 00:15:18,525 : INFO : gram8-plural: 89.6% (889/992)2014-02-02 00:28:18,140 : INFO : gram9-plural-verbs: 68.7% (482/702)2014-02-02 00:28:18,140 : INFO : total: 74.3% (5654/7614)

还是需要强调下,训练集上表现的好也不意味着 Word2Vec 在真实应用中就会表现的很好,还是需要因地制宜。)

Word2Vec Tutorial

Getting Started with Word2Vec and GloVe in Python


