

2015-01-08  本文已影响125人  ZoeyeoZ



Bosques de mi Mente ——forests of my mind


The smell of wet soil during a summer storm, the cracking of a rusted bicycle trying to keep running, of a swing in the lonely park, the smile of a child playing with his toy trains, the sweet crackling of a vynil.

《Golpea tus manos una contra otra》//最喜欢,没有之一。满心欢喜

《El transcurrir de las horas》//最经典的一首。两敲音符即入我心

《Volando en tu tren de juguete》//嗯,莫名的小欢愉。以及最后的呢喃。

《Una hora de lluvia incesante》//其实对这首没有特别喜欢,大概是现在的心境不符吧。右手的重复以及像是远处的水声。


《Cuando Se Hayan Ido Todos, Tan Solo Quedara El Crujir De Sus Columpios Al Viento》//仿佛是谁重重的呼吸,或者是什么一次次的驶离与远去

《 Un Nino Que Ya No Existe Jugando Con El Viejo Piano》//静心,莫名想起黑白电视


《Los Titanicos Esfuerzos De Una Bicicleta Oxidada Por Avanzar》//印象很深的一首,因为除了钢琴外你听到那些世界的声音

《Cierra los ojos un momento, recuerda...》//当第一声响起,世界就安静下来

《Paseo 4, Invierno (El Largo Y Tedioso Camino A Casa)》//熟悉感

Lana Del Rey

       这个拥有慵懒嗓音,深邃五官的女人,第一次为她倾心是《Dark Paradise》,在一个记录TVD中大K和芭比的相识与交集的视频里面,背景音。从此爱上他们,爱上她。

《Young & Beautiful》Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful. Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul. I know you will. // I hope you will.

《Summertime Sadness》Kiss me hard before you go. // Someone you never forget.

《Born To Die》Don't make me sad. Don't make me cry. …… Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain. // We were born to die

Birdy——Jasmine Van den Bogaerde,1996

《Wings》It made me think of you.

《Skinny love》My.

《1901》Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it. //Cause everyone won't be with you forever.

《People Help the People》And if your homesick, give me your hand and i'll hold it. // Still love we can seize.

《White Winter Hymnal》I was following the ;  I was following the pack. //

That's all for today. And hope you will see.


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