【醒学教育】What do We Know About Succ

we all long to be successful, yet seldom of us can made it, like the pyramid, only few in the top, while most at the button. Those who did not make it, is not because they are incapable of it, but because they might not knowing that success can happen every moment, yet might not happen to everyone, and because they might not really know what success is.
1. The definition of success
what most people understand "success" as "the achievement of a high position in a particular field, for example in business or politics", or "someone or something that is a success achieves a high position, makes a lot of money, or is admired a great deal". That is why they thought someone should be wealthy or famous enough, then can be called successful. What they have really missed is "success " can also be known as"the achievement of something that you have been trying to do", or "the success of something is the fact that it works in a satisfactory way or has the result that is intended".
In conclusion, if you want to be succeed, try to learn what is "success" correctly first.
2. No pain, no gain
As the saying goes “there is not such things as a free lunch”, if you want to own something, you will pay for it sooner or later.
Firstly, we should pay for it with time. Rome was not built in a day. Success comes from days and nights, weeks and months, years and decades of trying, never in a second or a minute. So here comes the second price that wew should pay for success, which is patience and perseverance. Never give up, or all your efforts that you have done would be in vain in the end. The third price that we should pay for would be enthusiasm. "success consists from going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm", Winston Churchill said. With enthusiasm, failure is the mother of success. A coin has two sides, there is something good about failure, or how can it be the mother of success?What good that might that might bring to us——How Thomas Edison found tungsten filament,so that we have light in the night? so please always keep your enthusiasm and stay positive.
3. Get to know yourself
Knowing your own merit and demerit,so that you will know what is missing while you are trying to achieving your goal, so that you will know how to achieve your own goal, so that you will find out that what is your role in a teamwork, so that you will have a bigger chance to be successful.
How do you know about success?