
2019-06-25  本文已影响0人  楚_0dd2

31.We strive to make money by keeping in mind common sense rather than by knowing cutting-edge knowledge.


32.We find that "systems" that are superior in business often have variables that are almost ridiculously maximized or minimized.


33.Whether it is for private business owners or shareholders of listed companies, the standard of reference when buying and selling should be the intrinsic value of the enterprise rather than the record of past transactions. This is the most basic concept of value, and I think it will never be outdated.


34.Admitting that you don't understand something means that the dawn of wisdom is coming.


35.Even if you don't like reality, you must admit the reality -- in fact, the more you don't like it, the more you should admit the reality.

即使你不喜欢现实,也要承认现实 --- 其实越是你不喜欢,你越应该承认现实。

36.What you need to do is just look for a special area of competence and put your energy in it.


37.Commercial and sports competitions are different, and it is good to compete with weak opponents. Smart investors are looking for advantages and opportunities that are beneficial to them.


38.Reputation and integrity are your most valuable asset, and can be lost in an instant.


39.If you want to improve your cognitive ability, forgetting the mistakes you made in the past is absolutely impossible.


40.Many of the opportunities in life last only for a short period of time, and they continue because (someone else) is temporarily inconvenient (take it). For each of us, we will not come when we are not lost, so you should be ready to act and be mentally prepared.


41.We often hear these questions from the children who are motivated. This is a very "smart" question. You are asking a wealthy old man: "How can I be you? How can I become you quickly?"


42.We all love reading a lot, and smart people are like this, but this is not enough. You should also have a attitude of critical acceptance and rational application. Most people did not catch the correct focus when they read the book. After reading it, they would not use it.


43.You have to be careful about the ideological concept that is too strong. If you have only one thought in your head, it is very dangerous.


44.Everyone invests with their own marginal utility. This includes his psychology. If losses will make you sad – and some losses are inevitable – you should probably take a cautious approach to investing and keep saving. I don't think there is a way to invest for everyone.


45.If you want to get what you want, you have to make yourself worthy of it. Trust, success and admiration are all achieved through hard work.


46.Whether you are correct or wrong does not depend on whether you agree with you. You are correct because your information and reasoning are correct.


47.Understanding the true nature of investment can also make you a good business manager and vice versa.


48.We prefer to put a lot of money into places where we don't need to make other decisions.


49.Smart and hardworking people don't necessarily make catastrophic professional mistakes because of overconfidence, because they often think that they have superhuman talents and methods, and choose some more difficult voyages for themselves.


50.The determination of the cards on the handles is not acceptable, but the lack of preparation and hasty decisions are unforgivable because these factors are controllable.


51.For me, dividing stocks into “value stocks” and “growth stocks” is a trick. This kind of division allows fund managers to talk about it, and allows analysts to label themselves, but in my eyes, all reliable investments are value investments.


52.No one can quickly become a great investor. If you plan to become an investor, study hard and keep improving. The key is self-discipline, hard work and practice. It's like playing golf - you have to work hard.


53.When anyone gives you the opportunity to make big money without taking risks, you don't have to pay attention to them. By following this sentence, you will avoid many tragedies.


54.Like Buffett, I have a strong desire to get rich. Not because I like Ferrari or anything, but I like independence. I am extremely eager for independence.


55.I think it is a reliable learning method to master the knowledge that others have already compiled. I don't recognize the way that the door is built to drive the results. No one can be so smart.


56.Buffett and I did not succeed in predicting the macro economy and betting on it today.


57.There is a general investment adviser who may not agree with the fact: If you are very rich and others are increasing their wealth faster than you, then what? It’s not a tragedy that there is always someone’s wealth added faster than you.


58.“Volatility is a concept that has been over-polishing. You should not be trapped in volatility.” “Some very good companies are very volatile, and some bad companies are very stable.”


59.All investment assessments begin with a measure of risk. This will include a reasonable margin of safety, avoiding permanent loss of capital and insisting on a reasonable return on the risks assumed.


60.The partners I have met in my life are extremely hardworking. I think I was able to partner with them, in part because I tried to be worthy of them, partly because I chose them very savvy, and partly because I was lucky.


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