
2018-07-26  本文已影响0人  地坛公园


虽然这么多年过去了,提起EnglishPod我还记得起某一期里的一句话“I have a reservation under the name xxx" 这是去酒店




Difficult Customer

A:Good evening,My name is Fabio,I'll be your waiter for(#) tonight.May I take your order?

B:No,I'm still working on it.This menu is not even in English! what's good here?

A:For you Sir,I would recommend(#) spaghetti(#) and meatballs.

B:Does it come with coke(#) and fries?

A:It comes with either soup or salad and compli-mentary(#) glass of wine.Sir.

B:I'll go with spaghetti(#),meatballs,salad and the(#) wine.

A:Excellent choice!(#) your order will be ready soon.

B:How soon is soon?

A:Twenty minutes?

B:You know what? I'll just go grab a burger across the street!

Key vocabulary:

still working on [Phrase] not yet completed,need more time.
would recommend [Verb] suggest
compli-mentary /kɒmplɪ'ment(ə)rɪ/ [Adjective] free
go with [Phrase] to choose,pick
grab [Verb] get quickly

Supplementary Vocabulary:
waitress /ˈweɪtrəs/ [Noun] female server at a restaurant or bar.
fast food [Phrase] food prepared or serverd quickly
im-patient [Adjective] uncomfortable waiting,wanting to go.
fancy [Adjective] nice,expensive,up-scale.(高消费阶层的)
casual [Adjetive] relaxed,not dressy(不讲究穿着的,dressy 盛装的)

spaghetti /spə'ɡɛti/ [Noun] 意大利面,=pasta
coke and fries 可乐和炸薯条

My notes:
take someone order 请某人点餐
what's good here.这里都有些什么不错的可以推荐
does it come with coke and fries? 套餐里的配餐,come with 与...一起,包含.....
it comes with either soup or salad. either..or ... 要么...要么(either your money or your life^^)
compli-mentary glass of wine 免费一杯酒 would you like a compli-mentary dessert.(甜点)
go with =to choose ,pick I'll go with the red dress instead of the blue one.
your order will be ready soon. will be ready soon 很快就会准备好
you know what? 口头禅的一句,你知道吗? blah...blah...blah... 后面是我将要告诉你的
you know what? this computer is on sale today!
I'll just go ...好常用
grab 可以快速的获取
let's go grab sth to eat.
across the street 在街对面

I can't blame him I will be angry too我也不能责怪他
how you can use this word and then we come back and explain it.

still working on it=No,I still need more time.
Do you finish reading the magazine? I'll still working on it.
Did you fix my car? I'm still working on it.
have you decide what to to tonight? I'm still working on it.

It's clear 意思很明白了

coke and fries = coca-cola and French fries
That's basically American fast food.
we love that!
I'll go with =I'll choosing =I'll take
I want to take a look at 看一下,看一看

grab=get quickly
on your way home,can you grab some milk?
wait for me please,I need grab my coat
let's grab cup of coffee.
let's grab some beer after work.

how many times do you really have fast food a week?
let's see....
i think I get fast food maybe once a week ,once or twice a week.

practical life. 日常生活,实际生活,practical 实用的


第一次复习:2018.7.28(1:43,刚出去回来,各种杂事一堆 ,很讨论这么一点小事儿又因为各种原因断断续续,多年前放弃学习englishpod,后面的痛苦无法弥补,愤怒燃烧起来,我不想再说,明天再做,今天欠的债,就今天还,要么就别睡了)


