昨天nature上出了一篇关于小麦三代测序那篇文章的新闻报道,报道的题目是“Small group scoops international effort to sequence huge wheat genome”。这是链接地址:http://www.nature.com/news/small-group-scoops-international-effort-to-sequence-huge-wheat-genome-1.22924。
The wheat genome is finally complete. A giant international consortium of academics and companies has been trying to finish the challenging DNA sequence for more than a decade, but in the end, it was a small US-led team that scooped the prize. Researchers hope that the genome of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) — described in the journal GigaScience this month— will aid efforts to study and improve a staple crop on which around 2 billion people rely.
目前来看,小麦基因组的完善仍然有很长的路要走。下面我们言归正传,今天介绍一篇小麦基因家族研究的文章,文章题目是“Genome-wide analysis of wheat calciumATPases and potential role of selected ACAs and ECAs in calcium stress”,发表在BMC Plant Biology上,作者是一帮老外就不列举了,见下面的摘要部分。基因家族的文章看过很多,套路都差不多,无非是鉴定,接着进化树,各种表达,好的拿个基因组转拟南芥看看。这一篇文章分子实验上非常少,甚至连电子表达分析都没有,更别提组织表达分析了,只有一个钙离子处理前后的差异表达分析,比较出彩的地方是有表型的数据和图片,我想这也可能是这篇文章能发在BMC Plant Biology的原因之一吧,你们怎么看呢?。