
2019-01-03  本文已影响0人  宋迎


2. 疗愈之效不只受限于心理治疗师本人的限度,同样受限于病患自己的限度。2 因此,整个疗愈过程的宗旨就是超越这些限制。3 没有人能独自完成这一目标的,唯有同心协力,才能发挥他们的潜能而超越这些限制。4 如今,他们进步的快慢全凭双方愿意发挥多少潜能而定。5 在治疗的初始阶段,可能只有一方怀有这种意愿;等到另一方加入,这一愿心便会茁壮起来。6 因此,治疗的进度在于个人的决定;它可能直达天庭,也可能离地狱只有数步之隔。

2. Healing is limited by the limitations of the psychotherapist, as it is limited by those of the patient. 2 The aim of the process, therefore, is to transcend these limits. 3 Neither can do this alone, but when they join, the potentiality for transcending all limitations has been given them. 4 Now the extent of their success depends on how much of this potentiality they are willing to use. 5 The willingness may come from either one at the beginning, and as the other shares it, it will grow. 6 Progress becomes a matter of decision; it can reach almost to Heaven or go no further than a step or two from hell.

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