
2020-12-11  本文已影响0人  一枝黄花菜



观其起因,非常令人啼笑皆非。小裁缝拿了块布一下子打死了七只苍蝇,自己觉得相当了不起,就做了条新皮带,并把自己的壮举刺在上面:Seven in one blow! 


“If you're so strong," he said, "can you do this?" The giant picked up a rock and squeezed it so tight that water came running out. 

"Is that all?" the tailor replied, laughing. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the wedge of cheese. He squeezed it until all its whey came running out. 


"What about this!" The giant picked up another rock and threw it very far. In fact, he tossed it so far that neither of them could see it anyone. 

The tailor reached into his pocket and pulled out the bird. It was so happy to be free that it flew high up into the sky. Just as the tailor claimed, it didn't fall to earth. 


When the giant lifted up the trunk, the tailor hopped onto a branch and rode along. He didn't carry even a leaf. The giant couldn't see behind him, and didn't know he was carrying the tree all by himself. 



The giant brought the top branches down so the tailor could grab some. At the very moment the tailor grabbed hold of the fruit, the giant laughed and let go of the tree. The tailor went flying through the air. 

"I wanted to jump over that tree, " he said. Challenging the giant, he continued, "A large fellow like yourself shouldn't have any trouble jumping over a tree."

The giant tried to jump over the tree, but he kept getting stuck in the highest branches. 


The tailor curled up in one small corner and fell asleep. The giant pretended to go to bed, but he stayed awake until midnight. 

The giant got up and crept over to the tailor's bed. And with a giant iron bar, he swiftly broke the bed in two. 

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