读Lean B2B(三)
2B Startup的机会到底是什么?
Enterprises can’t innovate like startups and that’s a major opportunity for entrepreneurs.
动作缓慢背后是机会 —— 说白了是将试错成本留在了体外,等待体外的人发现:
A startup’s goal is to #ll an unmet need in the market, and many do
this by filling gaps that exists in the product suites of big companies...
Startups can innovate faster and seize opportunities faster, exploiting
small gaps or niches. Startups also get acquired faster when they fill
a gap like this. All big platform vendors have gaps; how do you fill
those gaps with your startup?
– Jeff Ernst, Forrester Research VP of Marketing
There are three critical areas of di$ erences between B2B and B2C
customer development:
- Return on Investment (ROI);
- Client Relationship;
- Decision-Making Process.