2018-02-28 本文已影响5人
这里有篇blog可以读一下Objective-C Property Attributes,以及stackoverflow上也有回答。这里我来简单介绍和解释下:
2.atomic:系统生成的 getter/setter 会保证 get、set 操作的完整性,不受其他线程影响。getter 还是能得到一个完好无损的对象(可以保证数据的完整性),但这个对象在多线程的情况下是不能确定的。比如:
@property(atomic,strong)NSMutableArray *arr;
如果一个线程循环的读数据,一个线程循环写数据,那么肯定会产生内存问题,因为这和setter、getter没有关系。如使用[self.arr objectAtIndex:index]就不是线程安全的。好的解决方案就是加锁。
这里有个误区,很多人认为atomic能够保证线程安全。这种说法其实是不准确的。在我上面提到的博客里(Objective-C Property Attributes),有这样的一段解释:
atomic (default)
Atomic is the default: if you don’t type anything, your property is atomic. An atomic property is guaranteed that if you try to read from it, you will get back a valid value. It does not make any guarantees about what that value might be, but you will get back good data, not just junk memory. What this allows you to do is if you have multiple threads or multiple processes pointing at a single variable, one thread can read and another thread can write. If they hit at the same time, the reader thread is guaranteed to get one of the two values: either before the change or after the change. What atomic does not give you is any sort of guarantee about which of those values you might get. Atomic is really commonly confused with being thread-safe, and that is not correct. You need to guarantee your thread safety other ways. However, atomic will guarantee that if you try to read, you get back some kind of value.
On the flip side, non-atomic, as you can probably guess, just means, “don’t do that atomic stuff.” What you lose is that guarantee that you always get back something. If you try to read in the middle of a write, you could get back garbage data. But, on the other hand, you go a little bit faster. Because atomic properties have to do some magic to guarantee that you will get back a value, they are a bit slower. If it is a property that you are accessing a lot, you may want to drop down to nonatomic to make sure that you are not incurring that speed penalty.
其中说明:Atomic is really commonly confused with being thread-safe, and that is not correct. You need to guarantee your thread safety other ways.也就是atomic不能保证对象多线程的安全。所以atomic 不能保证对象多线程的安全。它只是能保证你访问的时候给你返回一个完好无损的Value而已。根据苹果的文档, 原子性并不能保证线程安全. 只是相对运用了原子性keyword 的属性来说是线程安全的. 对于类来说则不一定.举个例子:
如果线程 A 调了 getter,与此同时线程 B 、线程 C 都调了 setter——那最后线程 A get 到的值,有3种可能:可能是 B、C set 之前原始的值,也可能是 B set 的值,也可能是 C set 的值。同时,最终这个属性的值,可能是 B set 的值,也有可能是 C set 的值。所以atomic可并不能保证对象的线程安全。
在iOS中使用同步锁的开销比较大, 这会带来性能问题。一般情况下并不要求属性必须是“原子的”,因为这并不能保证“线程安全”(thread safety),若要实现“线程安全”的操作,还需采用更为深层的锁定机制才醒。
因此,iOS程序一般都会使用nonatomic属性。但是在Mac OS X程序时, 使用atomic属性通常都不会有性能瓶颈
- (void)setCurrentImage:(UIImage *)currentImage
if (_currentImage != currentImage) {
[_currentImage release];
_currentImage = [currentImage retain];
- (UIImage *)currentImage
return _currentImage;
- (void)setCurrentImage:(UIImage *)currentImage
@synchronized(self) {
if (_currentImage != currentImage) {
[_currentImage release];
_currentImage = [currentImage retain];
- (UIImage *)currentImage
@synchronized(self) {
return _currentImage;