1. 神舟十一号飞船从中国北方点火升空,于天宫二号成功实现对接。
The Shenzhou-11 spacecraft blasted off/was launched from northern China, docked successively with Tiangong 2.
2. 今天是我国航天事业蓬勃发展的一年。
This year marks/witnesses the booming development of space undertakings in China.
3. 中国紧随美国和俄罗斯之后,是世界上第三个独立进行载人航天任务的国家。
A: China is the third country, after the United States and Russia, to carry out its manned spacecraft mission independently.
B: Following United States and Russia, China is the third country to carry out its crewws mission independently.
4. 在此次为期33天的太空任务中,两名宇航员做了一系列科学实验,包括太空漫步,种菜养蚕等。
The two astronauts conducted a range of scientific experiments during the 33-day-long space mission, including space walk, vegetable cultivation, silkworm breeding and so on.
5. 中国在其太空计划中投入大量的资金和努力,并且计划今年至少进行20项太空任务。
China has poured significant funding and efforts into its space program, and plans to launch at least 20 space missions this year.
6. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号以神话传说中的龙来命名,于2012年6月创下了7062米的下潜最深记录。
Jiaolong, China's manned submersible which was named after a mythical dragon, set the deepest diving record of 7,062 meters in June 2012.