【Using English】55 Deep dive in A

2019-09-29  本文已影响0人  二手认知

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Android TextView class is a subclass of View class and is designed to hold and display text. It can be used in the code by importing the package android.widget.TextView. Typically, a TextView isn’t meant for editing. For editing we use EditText.
TextView is most important widgets in while developing android applications.Simply you can not develop any applications without using this.


In this series We will discuss following things.



Text Architecture-

Text stack in android is split in two parts, there is java code and there is native or C++ code.

1. Java layer - At the top of java layer(as you can see in below diagram) two widgets TextView and EditText is available.For custom view implementation below this layer second layer exists which consist Layout,Paint and Canvas.This layer helps to layout text and render it without using widgets.

1. Java层 - 就像图标中显示的内容一样,在Java层的顶端有TextView和EditText这两个控件可以用。对于要实现自定义View的场景,下面的第二层提供了Layout(布局),Paint(画笔)和Canvas(画布)。这一层可以不依赖控件就可以布局和渲染文本。

Android Text Architecture

2.Native layer- At the top of native layer Minikin library exists.Minikin helps to do word measurements, line breaking and hyphenation.Below this ICU library exists which deals with unicode, HarfBuzz does text shaping, FreeType for conversion of Gifs to bitmaps, Skia which is graphics engine.
2.Native 层- native层的最顶端是Minikin库。Minikin可以用来测量词汇,换行和断字。下面是ICU库,用来处理编码问题;在下面是HarfBuzz库,用来做文本塑造;再下面是FreeType,用来做动态图到位图的变换;在下面是Skia库,是图像引擎。

Minikin-It lies at the core of android stack and is implemented in c++.It’s main responsibilities are text layout measurement and line breaking.

**i).Text Measurement****-Minikin took string as parameter and identify the glyphs(Glyph is a representation of character similar to image representation of character).
文本测量,Minikin 把字符串作为参数并且确认他们的字形(就像图像与字符的对应关系一样,这里的字形就是字符在图像上的代表)

Text Measurement

Glyph matching is not necessarily one to one ,it can also be found in different fonts.Once all the glyphs are identified system can position them to have final look.When we provide longer strings minikin first break it into words and for each word it does the measurements the result of measurements is added into a LRU cache called Word Layout cache(It has fixed size of 5k items)so that if system come across same word again so cached value can be used instead of re measurements.

ii).Line Breaking- When the string is wider than the array in which text to fit in then minikin has to do a line break.
In simple case boxes are put side by side until boundary is reached an then moving to next line.this behaviour can be controlled using break strategy.


Line breaking

In balanced strategy minikin will distribute the words among the lines to have better text alignment. Default value is high quality which is vey similar to balanced except some subtle differences like hyphenation for last line.


iii)Hyphenation-Hyphenation improves the alignment of text and use of white space.It arises the measurements costs because now there will be more words to be measured an it has to compare more configuration for optimum solution.



Performance in Android P

Hyphenations is also affected by locale.We have to explicitly set locale for other language string.If string have multiple language then we have to set the multiple locale span which downgrade text layout performance.


Styling Text- 样式文本

When we want to set multiple style in a text we have to use span.

Spans are markup objects that can be attached to text.Spans can be characterised into character and paragraph spans depending on whether they apply to only a few characters or to entire paragraph.

Spans in TextView Styling

Note:- Comman use case spans are already available in framework and you can still create new Custom span. But you should use Framework span because only these spans can be parceled.

When we require parcelling of span-

How to use span- To use spans two key interface are available spanned and spannable.
Spanned is for immutable markup and immutable text,have declaration of methods like getSpan(),getSpanStart etc.It will allow only query span not modify them.
Spannable is for immutable text and mutable markup. It allow to set and remove span.

Spanned适用于不可变的修饰和不可变的文本,有声明好的方法如getSpan(), getSpanStart 等,只允许查询span,不允许修改。

Span interfaces and classes

Three concrete class implementation of these two interfaces is available as shown in above diagram.
SpannableString hold array of spans whereas SpannableStringBuilder hold tree of spans.

Note:- Upto 250 spans performance of SpannableString and Spannable StringBuilder is same but after that SpannbleStringBuilder is faster in rendering.
Note:For checking if one span is present in spannable use Spanned.nextSpanTransition.


Styling internationalised text-When we use multiple language ,we have multiple string files.In different language same text can be appear in different places so indexing is different for spannable. HTML can we used in string xml but they have limited functionality.

样式文本的国际化, 当应用使用多种语言时,会有多个字符串配置文件。在不同的语言中,相同的文本可能会显示在不同的位置,所以spannable的检索方式也是不同的。我们可以在字符串xml配置文件中使用功能受限制的超文本标记语言(HTML)。

We should use annotation tags for achieving this.Annotation tags allows to set key and value pairs.

Annotation tags in String

To be continued……….
Stay tuned for further articles on this series.

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