2021-07-04 永远不要因为觉得某个目标无法实现就否决它

2021-07-04  本文已影响0人  美其漫话

总有一条最好的道路,你要做的是找到它,鼓起勇气沿着它前进。There is always a best possible path. Your job is to find it and have the courage to follow it. 你所认为的可以实现只是根据目前你已知的做出判断。What you think is attainable is just a function of what you know at the moment. 一旦开始追求目标,你会学到很多,尤其是在和他人探讨的情况下,你从未预想过的道路将会呈现。Once you start your pursuit you will learn a lot, especially if you triangulate with others; paths you never saw before will emerge. 

永远不要因为你觉得某个目标无法实现就否决它。 瑞达利欧。行动起来,接纳试错,小步走,持续走。


