PotentialProject for MBA 522 fal

2017-09-13  本文已影响30人  Novazyyy

1.Riverhead Winter TourismPromotion-RA

Request for marketing help:

The Riverhead chamber has a newly formed Travel and Tourism councilunder the

economic committee with the Riverhead Chamber of Commerce.

This project is to promote Winter tourism from mid November - MidApril 2017/2018

We are working with the Riverhead town, Suffolk County and New YorkState

to identify the parks in Riverhead, the acreage and what activitiescan take place there.

The chamber will host the meetingwith town representatives, hotels and other stake holders

evolved in tourism on Friday, March 17 at 8AM in the Culinary ArtsCenter, located at 20 E. Main Street.

For those who are not familiar with the Center, it is located near thecorner of Roanoke and Main Streets.

Parking is available in the municipal parking lot adjacent to LombardiPark, off Roanoke Ave.

Access to the building will be limited to the rear entrance adjacentto the municipal parking lot.

Please call my cell with any questions


Bob Kern


Riverhead Chamber of Commerce

917 796 2817

Leah Marino, #31(M)

Jiahao Yang #45(M)

Xun Zhan #50 (F)

2.HIA-LI Hauppauge Industrial Park Project (3rdPhase) - RA

Stony BrookStudents

HIA-LI is one of the recognized voices for Long Island Business and apowerful force for regional and economic development.

In addition to the LI business community the HIA-LI also supports theHauppauge Industrial Park, the largest in the northeast with an estimated55,000 employees and 1,300 companies all within 11 square miles. The park givesan estimated 19.6 million dollars back in total tax assessed value to the Townof Smithtown. It is also estimated one in 20 jobs on LI come from the park.

The first 2 phases of the project has been complete by SB Studentsidentifying a profile of the park and spending coming from the park.


Using the firstand second reports SB students have already done as a reference create:

·A detailed comparison of the HIP compared toNY state industrial parksincluding but not limited to landmass,population, # of companies , employee income, impact on the economy in terms ofspending buckets (NASIC codes) , Infrastructure, amenities etc.

·our ultimate goal is to

determinehow much the HIP gives back to the NY State and local economy

·Create the final Economic impact statement

This is a critical step in creating a long term plan for the park andin adhering NY state and local resources and funds.

Resources to beused

·A collaborative partnership with the Miller Business ResourceCenter (MBRC)


·One semester


·Meet with HIA-LI to understand project, resources and expectations

·Gather info

·Create 3rdphase of EIS and profile

·Report back to HIA-LI Board of Directors

TerriAlessi - Miceli


HIA-LI|225 Wireless Boulevard, Suite 101,Hauppauge, NY 11788

P:(631) 543-5355|F:(631) 543-5380|E:talessi@hia-li.org


Christina Marino#30 Math & Management

Breanna Losquadro#27 Fin & M

Kangjie Tang #37HR

3.Applied DNA- RA

CompetitiveAnalysis Of The Cannabis Industry

Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS -www.adnas.com) uses biotechnology as a forensic foundation to createunique security solutions that address the challenges of modern globalcommerce. SigNature® DNA, the basis of all our products, is based on plant DNAwhich is reengineered to provide a unique DNA sequence as an identifying markwhich can be forensically authenticated. The engineered mark has not and cannotbe broken. The conventional process used to sequence (“decode”) native DNA isnot possible with the engineered mark. Additional layers of protection andcomplexity are added to the mark in a proprietary manner.Authentication results are provided bycertified forensic scientists, who are qualified to testify in a court of law.Our technology is transforming life, business, people, and the globaleconomy.Our technology can stopcounterfeits from making their way to the consumer, thus saving trillions ofdollars.It can ensure an expensivemilitary plane is not going to experience issues from counterfeit orsub-standard equipment.It can ensurethat prescription drugs are real and will not harm the consumer.Our DNA Authentication Technology will ensurethat the consumer gets what they are paying for.It assures businesses that they are receivingthe quality goods they are paying for. Our technology can and has saved livesand property.Applied DNA Sciencescommon stock is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol APDN, and its warrants arelisted under the symbol APDNW.

Project Overview:

The cannabis industry is composed of legalcultivatorsand producers, consumers, independent industrial

standards bodies, regulators and researchers concerningcannabisand its industrial derivative,hemp.According to areport by university researcherJon

Gettman, cannabisis the United States' largest cash crop and "a pervasive and ineradicablepart of the national economy".A2015ArcView Groupreportstated that it was the fastest growing industry in the United States. Theindustry in the United States is expected to grow from $2 billion in 2014 to asmuch as $10 billion in 2018, depending on legalization outcomes.By one estimate the industry in the UnitedStates could be $35 billion in 2020.Because of the Federal Government oversightthrough the Cole Memorandum, each state that is already operating (eitherMedicinal, Recreational, or both) orcontemplating entry into this space, must take heed of the risk ofnon-compliance.The top most dauntingand elusive points for a state that are contained in the Cole Memorandummandate that each state must have system(s) in place to:

·Prevent the distribution of marijuana tominors;

·Prevent revenue from the sale ofmarijuana from going to criminal enterprises, gangs, and cartels;

·Prevent diversion of marijuana fromstate(s) where it is legal under state law in some form to other states;

·Prevent state authorized marijuanaactivity from being used as a cover or pretext for the trafficking of otherillegal drugs or other illegal activity.

ADNAS has the capability andresources to address each of these issues and assist the cannabis industry from“seed to sale”.

Project Scope:

ADNAS would like toengage SBU students in a project to perform a comprehensive market analysis ofthe cannabis industry.We are lookingfor students to assess the industry, discuss the pros and cons of ADNAS assistingin this new marketplace, leveraging our technology, identifying and profilingthe major players, and make recommendations to our management group.


·Market research study of the cannabis industry.

·State Laws vs. Federal Laws (Cole Memorandum).

·SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).

·Competing technologies.

oNaturalcannabis vs. Synthetic cannabis.

·Key competitors (specific companies) within the industry.

·Influence of Craft Marijuana

·What specific needs are there for authentication, identification,or evidentiary (anti-theft) marking?


·Final presentation to senior management.

Applied DNASciences, Inc. Project Contacts:

Mr. Gordon G. Hope, Jr.Mr. Lawrence C. Kick, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Director, Security SalesExecutive Director, Human Resources

Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.AppliedDNA Sciences, Inc.

50 Health Sciences Drive50Health Sciences Drive

Stony Brook, New York 11790Stony Brook,New York 11790

Tel: 631-240-8850Tel:631-240-8808

Fax: 631-240-8900Fax: 631-240-8900


Mr. John Shearman

Executive Director, Marketing

Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.

50 Health Science Drive

Stony Brook, New York 11790

Tel: 631-240-8838

Fax: 631-240-8900


Kerry Brathwaite#4 HC

Samantha Dayton#6 HC

DavidHermer-Fried #19 M

Xiaoyu Wang # 49


4. Applied DNA-SB

CommodityMarkets Project—Luxury Goods

Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS -www.adnas.com) uses biotechnology as a forensic foundation to createunique security solutions that address the challenges of modern globalcommerce. SigNature® DNA, the basis of all our products, is based on plant DNAwhich is reengineered to provide a unique DNA sequence as an identifying markwhich can be forensically authenticated. The engineered mark has not and cannotbe broken. The conventional process used to sequence (“decode”) native DNA isnot possible with the engineered mark. Additional layers of protection andcomplexity are added to the mark in a proprietary manner.Authentication results are provided by certifiedforensic scientists, who are qualified to testify in a court of law. Ourtechnology is transforming life, business, people, and the global economy.Our technology can stop counterfeits frommaking their way to the consumer, thus saving trillions of dollars.It can ensure an expensive military plane isnot going to experience issues from counterfeit or sub-standard equipment.It can ensure that prescription drugs arereal and will not harm the consumer.OurDNA Authentication Technology will ensure that the consumer gets what they arepaying for.It assures businesses thatthey are receiving the quality goods they are paying for. Our technology canand has saved lives and property.Applied DNA Sciences common stock is listed on NASDAQ under the symbolAPDN, and its warrants are listed under the symbol APDNW.

Project Overview:

One of the original ADNAS customers wasthe US military, which is currently DNA marking high risk electronic componentsand expanding into other types of components (bearings, connectors, seals,etc.) which are subject to counterfeiting.  Since then, ADNAS has begun toenter other vertical markets such as textiles, law enforcement, automotive, andpharma/personal care.  Every day, ADNAS is approached by companies andindustries to explore the use of our technology to assist in securing theirsupply chain or product.Becauseresources are limited, ADNAS is interested in investigating these commoditiesor verticals to ascertain the extent of their problem/issues; which has agreater problem hence a larger opportunity; and the top companies in each area.

Project Scope:

ADNAS would like to engage SBU studentsin a project to perform a comprehensive market analysis across variouscommodities and industries to analyze the extent of counterfeiting andcheating; assess the damage both monetarily and personally that it causes;scope the standards used in these industries to certify 100% autnenticiary; andrank each industry as to their vulnerability and ADNAS capability to providesolutions.The industry/vertical we wantto analyze is Luxury Consumer Goods.


●Market research study.

●Size of market in targeted Industry/vertical.

●Extent of counterfeiting, dilution, cheating.

●SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).

●Top ten companies by sector.

●Company profile, contact names, LinkedIn profile, trade show events,etc.).

●What specific needs are there for authentication, identification, orevidentiary (anti-theft) marking?


●Final presentation to senior management.

Applied DNA Sciences,Inc. Project Contacts:

Ms. MeiLin WanMr. Lawrence C. Kick,


Vice President, Textile SalesExecutiveDirector, Human Resources

Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.AppliedDNA Sciences, Inc.

50 Health Sciences Drive50Health Sciences Drive

Stony Brook, New York 11790Stony Brook,New York 11790

Tel: 631-240-8849Tel:631-240-8808



Qi Liu #25 F

Rubin Pan #34 HCAnalytics

Nicholas Difiore#7 F


Zarefirouzabadi #46

5. Case StudiesAs A Marketing Tool Project -SB

Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS -www.adnas.com) uses biotechnology as a forensicfoundation to create unique security solutions that address the challenges ofmodern global commerce. SigNature® DNA, the basis of all our products, is basedon plant DNA which is reengineered to provide a unique DNA sequence as anidentifying mark which can be forensically authenticated. The engineered markhas not and cannot be broken. The conventional process used to sequence(“decode”) native DNA is not possible with the engineered mark. Additionallayers of protection and complexity are added to the mark in a proprietarymanner.Authentication results areprovided by certified forensic scientists, who are qualified to testify in acourt of law. Our technology is transforming life, business, people, and theglobal economy.Our technology can stopcounterfeits from making their way to the consumer, thus saving trillions ofdollars.It can ensure an expensivemilitary plane is not going to experience issues from counterfeit orsub-standard equipment.It can ensurethat prescription drugs are real and will not harm the consumer.Our DNA Authentication Technology will ensurethat the consumer gets what they are paying for.It assures businesses that they are receivingthe quality goods they are paying for. Our technology can and has saved livesand property.Applied DNASciences common stock is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol APDN, and itswarrants are listed under the symbol APDNW.

Project Overview:

One of the original ADNAS customers was the US military, which iscurrently DNA marking high risk electronic components and expanding into othertypes of components (bearings, connectors, seals, etc.) which are subject tocounterfeiting.  Since then, ADNAS has begun to enter other verticalmarkets such as textiles, law enforcement, automotive, and pharma/personalcareADNAS is approached by companiesand industries to explore the use of our technology to assist in securing theirsupply chain or product.One reason ourbusiness has grown has been the creation of Case Studies.Case studies are unique in their ability to combine storytelling withinformational content about Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.Potential customers get an in-depth look atwhat it’s like working with our product and services, thus reducing uncertainty.Case studies are an invaluable assetwhen it comes to establishing proof that what Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. isoffering is valuable and of good quality.Case studies are the fifth most popular after social media content,e-newsletters, blogs, and website articles. Additionally, marketers believethat case studies are effective marketing tactics.Unlike more sales-oriented strategies,casestudies area great way to educate existing and future customers

about our industry in relevant ways. Case studies are unique in the way they

combine storytelling with providing information

Project Scope:

ADNAS would like to engage SBU studentsin a project to develop several Case Studies across various commodities andindustries that we currently are doing business with and to analyze the extentthat these case studies have used our technology and benefited by it.


●Research and write four to five case studies.

●How can we leverage these on social media?

●Who are the various companies, agencies, governments we should targetand how does ADNAS get them into the widest distribution.

●Develop a Webinar based on a case study.


●Final presentation to senior management.

Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. Project Contacts:

Mr. Robert MacDowellMr. Lawrence C. Kick,


Director, Government & MilitarySalesExecutiveDirector, Human Resources

Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.AppliedDNA Sciences, Inc.

50 Health Sciences Drive50Health Sciences Drive

Stony Brook, New York 11790Stony Brook,New York 11790

Tel: 631-240-8823Tel:631-240-8808



Huiwen He #18 BioHealth Analytics

Jacqueline Lennon#23 M

Danke Lu #28 F

6. HealthMigration Consulting - Healthcare and dental care - RA


Who We Are

Health Migration Consulting, Inc., (HMCI) is a healthcare-technologystartup company located in East Setauket, New Yorkk. Our purpose is toestablish oral health data and market visibility as keys for business successfor healthcare payers (improve long term health and lower costs) and corporatecommunities (improve market share).Weare committed to improving Health by providing tools and services to helpHealthcare migrate from an industry that focuses on Care to an industry thatfocuses on Health. We have created and established a tool with the goal toprovide these advantages based on the need for consumers to be actively engagedin their oral health over the life span as the foundation for overall health.We work to address the core problems in Healthcare by helping Consumers tobecome responsible health managers, providing new data to improve collaborationacross Healthcare and encouraging integration to improve efficiency and reducecost.

Our Main Questions

1. What would be the impact of MySmileGuide (MSG) - an oral health guidancesystem - to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce healthcare cost?

2. Would a Mobile Application of MySmileGuide (MSG) be a feasiblemethod to market

and support our investigation of improving healthcare outcomes andreducing healthcare costs?

Our Project Task for Students

We would like the MBA students to work with our technology designer tohelp create and develop a baseline, functional prototype of a mobileapplication for MySmileGuide (MSG).

Dr Fred FergusonAnnaLubitz


Health MigrationConsulting

East Setauket, NY11733


631-678-8438 cell

Qiang Feng #11 F

Kiara Foster #14HC

Wenqing Mao #29


7. Zebra 1 - SB

Personal shopping refers to the process by which a consumer utilizestechnology to select and scan their own purchases as they visit a retail store.In some cases this can be done using an application on their personal mobiledevice but many retailers provide enterprise grade technology to their shoppersto accomplish that. These devices are typically provided as the customer entersthe stores and in many cases (not all) the customers scans their loyalty cardand that unlocks the device. The consumer then scans items as they select themand at the end of the shopping trip they can go through the checkout processfaster and return the device.

As one could imagine, some consumers like this technology, while somemay view it as doing the work themselves and prefer to shop in a more traditionalfashion. Additionally, some retailers add technology to their applications thatallow them to targets consumers with marketing messages as they shop, in somecases leveraging locationing technology to send offers to consumers as theynavigate to various product sections within the stores.

We are looking to better understand consumers’ attitudesand preferences around self-shopping andself-checkout. We’re looking to find out more about the differences in theseattitudes and preferences by demographics and by region / areas of the world.Our primary focus is on North America as Walmart looks into this technology butEuropean retailers have been using this technology for years and so somegeographic comparisons would make sense.

We’re looking to understand existing and potential adoption rates.What would make this an invaluable technology for consumers (especially vs. aniPhone app)?We would like to see ananalysis of the business opportunities, including potential customers,units/forecast, costs and ROI.

( see attached picture of MC18 for reference and I can provide manyillustrations of how this works at retailers today )

Client Email:Huan-Yang.Chen@zebra.com

Ming Feng #10 M -F

Yuting Wang #43AM E F

Emily Starkman#36 M

8. Zebra 2 - SB

Personal shopping refers to the process by which a consumer utilizestechnology to select and scan their own purchases as they visit a retail store.In some cases this can be done using an application on their personal mobiledevice but many retailers provide enterprise grade technology to their shoppersto accomplish that. These devices are typically provided as the customer entersthe stores and in many cases (not all) the customers scans their loyalty cardand that unlocks the device. The consumer then scans items as they select themand at the end of the shopping trip they can go through the checkout processfaster and return the device.

As one could imagine, some consumers like this technology, while somemay view it as doing the work themselves and prefer to shop in a moretraditional fashion. Additionally, some retailers add technology to theirapplications that allow them to targets consumers with marketing messages asthey shop, in some cases leveraging locationing technology to send offers toconsumers as they navigate to various product sections within the stores.

We are looking to better understand consumers’ attitudesand preferences around self-shopping andself-checkout. We’re looking to find out more about the differences in theseattitudes and preferences by demographics and by region / areas of the world.Our primary focus is on North America as Walmart looks into this technology butEuropean retailers have been using this technology for years and so somegeographic comparisons would make sense.

We’re looking to understand existing and potential adoption rates.What would make this an invaluable technology for consumers (especially vs. aniPhone app)?We would like to see ananalysis of the business opportunities, including potential customers,units/forecast, costs and ROI.

( see attached picture of MC18 for reference and I can provide manyillustrations of how this works at retailers today )

Client Email:Huan-Yang.Chen@zebra.com

Wenjiangyue Wan#41 M

Eric Georgiades#16 F

Keesha Timoney#39 Management

9. AlternativeEnergy:Energystics, Inc. 1- RA

Note:Dr. Phillips is only at StonyBrook on Mondays and Wednesdays so students should who take on this projectshould be available at times during those days.

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, has said that if he were startinga business today he would enter one of three fields:Artificial Intelligence, Bioscience,Alternative Energy.Part of the issue ofstarting up a business in any new field is timing.Too soon and you wait, and maybe fail beforethe market and technology takes off; too late and you give up the advantage offirst mover or miss out completely.

Alternative Energy has at least 3 promising industries that are orwill transform the way we harvest and generate energy.Wind Power, Solar Power and Wave Power.Wind is already a major player, especially inEurope.The first off-shore wind farm,Deep Water Wind, located off Block Island, began generating energy that was fedinto the electric grid last year.Solarpanels are becoming competitive with natural gas and the price competition forpanels is intense.Wave energy isrelatively untapped, yet a 1990 report by the British government found that ifjust 0.1% of the energy available in the oceans were tapped it would provide 5times the global energy requirements of that time.Yet there are many hurdles in being able togenerate energy from the oceans.

Energystics, headed up by Dr. Reed Phillips, has 8 patents thataddress many of those hurdles.But hehas funded the company himself and in order to file key international patentsand develop the technology further he requires capital from outside thecompany.That would entail developingthe business model and preparing a business plan.One of the key aspects of the business planwould be detailing the problems of generating energy from ocean waves thatother companies have encountered in the past.And then explaining how Energystics technologies effectively solvesthose problems.The team of consultantswould have some leeway in then creating other aspects of the business plan withthe aim of being able to use that to raise capital.

The following is from CNBC:

One of every five dollars invested in the U.S. today targets

sustainable investments. Not to be outdone, private capital is flowing there

too. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma and other tech titans

recently committed $1 billion to launching anew,

low carbon energy fund. Warren Buffett's company is busy investing in

new solar and wind energy projects, including the world's largest solar plant.

And84 major corporationshave pledged tosource 100 percent of their energy from renewables going forward.

Also note that Germany now generates 1/3 of its electrical energy fromrenewables.

Dr.Reed E. Phillips, (Reed P.)



Harrison Jackson#21 M-HC

Aurvin Singh #51HC F

Linrui Xiao #44 F

10. Reed Phillips2 - SB

Note:Dr. Phillips is only at StonyBrook on Mondays and Wednesdays so students should who take on this projectshould be available at times during those days.

Energystics, Inc. is a start-up company founded by Dr. Reed Phillips.Dr. Phillips has

numerous patents focused on harvesting of vibrational energy from theocean’s waves. Up to this point, Dr. Phillips has self-funded his company. Now,Dr. Phillips needs to raise capital to cover the cost of securing patentcoverage throughout the world for his technology and developing and testing hisprototypes. There are many ways to raise capital, including angel investing, VCinvesting, initial public offering, crowd funding, grants, and bank loans. Inthis project, a team of students would research different avenues of raisingmoney, determine what is needed from Dr. Phillips for each avenue, determinehow much money can be raised in each avenue, determine tradeoffs for eachavenue, and determine contacts that Dr. Phillips may want to investigate ineach avenue.

Dr.Reed E. Phillips, (Reed P.)



RobinBjornholm-Jatta #3 F

Lars Arne Togstad#40 F

Kehui Duan #9 E F

Jiaxin Zhang #52


11. Long IslandAeronautical Group - RA

ADDAPT: Long Island Aerospace and Defense Association

Long island used to be considered a Major Aerospace and Defensemanufacturing and design center, but with the merger of Northrop Corp withGrumman and the subsequent relocation of facilities to other states, thegeneral perception has been that aerospace manufacturers no longer exist on theIsland.Yet there is a strong communityof Long Island’s manufacturers, machine shops, distributors and supportingcompanies.

ADDAPT was founded in 1991 to aid Long Island’s Aerospace and Defenseindustry weather the downturn in defense spending following the end of the ColdWar.Since that time, ADDAPT has emergedas a networking and advocacy group focused on promoting Long Island’s Aerospaceand Defense Industry locally, regionally and nationally. ADDAPT has worked withnational Prime Contractors like Sikorsky, Boeing, and others to bringattention, contracts, and development to Long Island.With an ever growing network of companies,ADDAPT is a regional voice for Long Island’s Aerospace and Defense Sector, andaims to continue the growth and development of the area and its membercompanies.

The organization currently has about 30 members.There are many more companies on Long Islandwho would benefit by being members.ADDAPT aims to grow its membership and also promote more vigorously theaerospace and defense industry on Long Island both to generate more awarenessand business for its members and to entice younger professionals and graduatesto work in the industry.

The student/consultants would need to

Gain an overview of the LongIsland’s Aerospace and Defense Sector – both its history, its present status,and the future

Identify and understand thekey challenges facing the sector and individual companies

Discover the perceived needsof these companies

Do research to identify allthe companies in the sector on Long Island who could benefit by membership inthe organization.The number could be100 or more.

Help develop marketingstrategies and tactics to interest these companies in the organization and toraise awareness among the general public of the presence and strength of LongIsland Aerospace companies.



Ella Lavallee #22M

Sibo Li # 24 F

Shushen Wang #42F

12. Softheon 1 -RA

Our Story

At Softheon, we strive to createsimple solutions to complex problems. Our turnkey Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)and Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) solutions have provided end-to-endtracking, monitoring, and reporting of business activities for over 15 years.These channels are related to individual and small group enrollment, financialmanagement, and customer relationship processes. Understanding that healthcareis constantly evolving, our solutions can be deployed and configured within 90days. This agile development process positions us to quickly adapt and adhereto the latest regulatory developments. Continuing our history of success, weare proud to be trusted by 37% of healthcare payers participating on publicexchanges, managing 24% of their membership.

Project Problem

At Softheon we consider ourselves to be “home-grown”.We are a technology company at our heart anduse our skills to solve problems throughout the healthcare world.This means we have worked to become expertsin different areas of the healthcare world.One of these areas has been accounting.Over the course of three painstaking years we have finalized andformalized our Accounting Practices from AR Aging reports to Premium RevenueRecognition Reports to ensuring all data in said reports stays static regardlessof the changes the system sees due to retroactivity.If the description of the above makes senseto you, then you can help us!

We are looking for a team of consultants to audit our accountingpractices and confirm they meet or exceed GAAP standards for accrual basedaccounting and based on the requirements of our Carriers / States.

Project Questions

1.Overall, is ourAccounting System accurate?Compliantwith GAAP standards?

2.Based on theaudit questions provided, does Softheon fail, meet, or exceed each control?

3.What auditquestions are missing from the audit provided?

4.What gaps areidentified within our accounting system and of those what is the order in whichthey should be addressed?



Vanessa Hall



Sing Rou Lee



Sarah Pew / Robert Miller

spew@softheon.com / rmiller@softheon.com

Shuang Liu #26 A

Kristina Grimmer#17 A

Mingda Zhang #48F

13. Softheon 2 -SB

Project Problem

With our ever-growing client base and our desire to pivot quickly asthe industry dictates to stay at the forefront, we are in need to vendors for avariety of services.We are looking fora team who can help us build our procurement department/ processes from RFPcreation through contract signing including best practices, templates, and“what not to do”.

Project Questions

1.What areProcurement process best practices?

2.How can we beginto implement these practices within Softheon?



Sarah Pew



Rachel Spiteri


Owais Miran #32 A

John Sadler #35 A

Robert Fink #12 FA

14. Global ThreatSolutions - SB

Global Threat Solutions (GTS) is a security consulting and servicesfirm based in Long Island, NY. GTS provides a full spectrum of securityservices and consulting products to include Executive Protection services forFortune 500 firms, Hotel Security services, training courses and consultingservices.

GTS has partnered with Hofstra University's School of ContinuingStudies to offer elite Executive Protection Courses including a 2-day BasicCourse, a 9-day Advanced Course and a 12-week part time Advanced Course. Thesecourses will be offered through the recently created National ProtectionTraining Center at Hofstra University. Thesecourse will begin in October of 2017.

GTS is seeking assistance from the Stony Brook MBA program.The Industry Project will focus on developinga comprehensive marketing plan for the National Protection Training Center andthe courses offered through it. Students assigned to this project willcoordinate directly with the CEO of GTS, Ken Bombace.


Yubin Ni #13 A EMarine Science

Tanya Barbot #2 M

Pei-Yin Chen #5IB M

15. Mechanismic

Inc.(the company) isa new technology start-up founded in the state of NY to commercialize a patentpending low-cost, modular, scalable, and intuitive robotics kit called SnappyXOinvented at Stony Brook University. The primary inventor of the technology is Prof.Anurag Purwar in Mechanical Engineering whose inventions have been licensed tovarious companies. His Mobility Assist device is now available in the marketand is being sold. The company has obtained an exclusive world-wide licensefrom SUNY Research Foundation in all fields to bring it to the market.

The U.S. educational robotics market is expected to grow from $2.274billion in 2016 to $2.725 billion by 2021. The company's target market would behigh school robotics programs, universities and college STEM majors, makers,and hobbyists. Several educational institutions have expressed an interest inprocuring the kit.

Here is a link with more information:


The company has three priorities to accomplish:

1. Develop an Indiegogo application/campaign for Snappyxovalidation/fund raising.

2. Market Research how to most effectively reach the followingmarkets:

>Educational - K to 12and college mechanical/electrical/robotics engineering markets including STEMand tech camps

>Consumer for toys,gadgets, gifts for 2017 Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, try to team withGoldiblocks (from Shark Tank), tech websites or go solo?

3. Sales & Marketing - labeling, packaging, boxing, andinstruction sheets along with inventory/production setup.How to set up a shopping cart connection withthe Snappyxo website.Do we takepreorders to gauge market response?

4. Packaging, Labeling, and instruction sheet enclosure development

5. Admin - order processing, packing, and shipping

6. People, Places - who and where to make it happen

7. Samples - we need to get samples of each of the assembled robotsfor demonstration purposes.

8.Generate an Indiegogo application/campaign (has national and moreinternational focus than Kickstarter) for funding to build inventory and coverstart-up operating expenses.

We will assign students to one of these projects, depending on whichinvokes the greatest interest.

Anurag Purwar, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professor

Associate Editor, International Journal of Mechanics Based Design ofStructures and Machines

Department of Mechanical Engineering

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Stony Brook, NY 11794-2300 USA

Phone: (631) 632-8542, Fax: (631) 632-8544

Langyue Tian #38M

Chenxi Ding #8HRM

Joseph Honden #20Management


Saba Zarefirouzabadi #46

Yubin Ni #33


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