Package binary implements simple translation between numbers and byte sequences and encoding and decoding of varints.
The varint functions encode and decode single integer values using a variable-length encoding; smaller values require fewer bytes.For a specification, see https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding.
翻译:binary 包,简单的实现了数字和byte之间的转化;varints之间的编码和解码。简单说一下,varints是一种使用一个或多个字节表示整型数据的方法。其中数值本身越小,其所占用的字节数越少。
- 数字和byte相互转化
Numbers are translated by reading and writing fixed-size values.A fixed-size value is either a fixed-size arithmetic type (bool, int8, uint8, int16, float32, complex64, ...)or an array or struct containing only fixed-size values.
翻译:通过读入和写入固定长度的值来转化数字。固定长度的值,既可以是指定长度的值,也可以是指定长度数组,也可以是包含指定长度结构体。数字类型必须申明为,bool, int8, uint8, int16, float32, complex64, ...,具体可以去看源码
package main
import (
func main() {
by := []byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xe8}
var num int32
bytetoint(by, &num)
fmt.Println(int(num), num)
// 测试 int -> byte
by2 := []byte{}
var num2 int32
num2 = 333
by2 = inttobyte(&num2)
// 测试 byte -> int
var num3 int32
// byte 转化 int
func bytetoint(by []byte, num *int32) {
b_buf := bytes.NewBuffer(by)
binary.Read(b_buf, binary.BigEndian, num)
// 数字 转化 byte
func inttobyte(num *int32) []byte {
b_buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(b_buf, binary.BigEndian,num)
return b_buf.Bytes()