
2016-10-08  本文已影响0人  Norman_Plus

one of the cornerstones of TRIZ is that the same problems occur again and again across different disciplines and applications, and that people are constantly reinventing the wheel by solving them from scratch every time.
At the heart of TRIZ is the belief that, if you can understand how your problem is similar to someone else's, you can reapply his clever solutions.

TRIZ logic demands that you have a clear idea of where you are and where you are going, which helps you keep your eye on the prize.

What the TRIZ community has captured are the patterns that exist in both the kinds of problems that people address and the way in which they solve them.

the tools based on patent analysis and scientific journals.
the tools developed to help you model your problem conceptually.
the tools based on modeling thought processes.

When you learn how to think TRIZ, you are able to reapply others' clever solutions to solve your problems.

Using idea-concept thinking. Think conceptually. cook an egg vs fly an egg.

The TRIZ philosophy says that somehow you can get everything you want without changing anything.

systematic creativity

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