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zserge/lorca stars:2364 forks:58
项目描述:Build cross-platform modern desktop apps in Go + HTML5
rakyll/autopprof stars:582 forks:15
项目描述:Pprof made easy at development time for Go
objectbox/objectbox-go stars:379 forks:6
项目描述:ObjectBox Go - persisting your Go structs/objects superfast and simple
mitchellh/golicense stars:344 forks:7
项目描述:Scan and analyze OSS dependencies and licenses from compiled Go binaries
VictoriaMetrics/fastcache stars:246 forks:9
项目描述:Fast thread-safe inmemory cache for big number of entries in Go
ThreeDotsLabs/watermill stars:213 forks:5
项目描述:Go library for building event-driven applications.
robaho/fixed stars:176 forks:2
项目描述:high performance fixed decimal place math library for Go
uflare/smtp2http stars:171 forks:12
项目描述:a tiny software that receive a smtp request (email) and send it to the specified webhook as a http post request
google/wire stars:112 forks:8
项目描述:Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go
Merovius/nbd stars:64 forks:1
项目描述:Go implementation of Linux Network Block Devices
mercari/go-dnscache stars:63 forks:8
项目描述:Go package for caching DNS lookup results in memory.
firecracker-microvm/firecracker-go-sdk stars:59 forks:10
项目描述:Go Firecracker SDK
alash3al/srchx stars:56 forks:2
项目描述:A standalone lightweight full-text search engine built on top of blevesearch and Go with multiple storage (scorch, boltdb, leveldb, badger)
ffuf/ffuf stars:44 forks:6
项目描述:Fast web fuzzer written in Go
alexkohler/dogsled stars:43 forks:1
项目描述:dogsled is a Go static analysis tool to find assignments/declarations with too many blank identifiers.
wumansgy/goEncrypt stars:35 forks:8
Fanatics/toast stars:34 forks:0
项目描述:Plugin-driven CLI utility for code generation using Go source as IDL
chai2010/qingcloud-primer-book stars:33 forks:3
项目描述::books: 《青云QingCloud云计算入门 - 基于Go语言》青云直上·只上青云·云之基石·自由计算(还未启动…)
dreadl0ck/ja3 stars:32 forks:2
项目描述:Ja3 TLS Client Hello Hashes in Go
dreadl0ck/gopcap stars:31 forks:0
项目描述:Fast Golang PCAP Reader & Benchmark Comparison