A black dog
Whenever the black dog made an appearance :made an appearance 出现
feel empty: 内心空虚
life just seemed to slow down :生活似在下滑
surprise me with a visit for no reason or occasion :for no reason or occasion 不论时间地点
look and feel older than my years: 苍老了面孔和内心
enjoy life: 享受生活
cease to :停止
ruin my appetite:毁了我的食欲
chew up my memory and my ability to concentrate :因为抑郁症这里被比喻成了黑狗,所以这里chew(咀嚼)的意思用的很好
sniff out:嗅到
invested vast amount of energy :花费了大量的时间
keeping up an emotional lie :掩饰自己的真实情绪
to be around :相处
bury my intimacy: 毁掉我亲密无间的关系
love nothing more than to: 最喜欢的莫过于
is not so much about :并不仅仅是
at its worst :最糟糕的是
being devoid of feeling :感受不到情感
But more often than not,he'd come out on top :然而往往,他总是占据上风
Going down became easier then getting up :(躺着认输比站着战斗舒服)
hijacking my life:绑架了我的生活
begin to question :开始质疑
the point of it :“it” 的意义是什么
This was the time that i sought for professional help:这时我开始寻求专业人士的帮助
my first step towards recovery:进行康复的第一步
a major turning point in my life :人生的重大转折
sliver bullet or magic pill:灵丹妙药
an abusoluate game changer:一剂良药
quiet your mind 心平气和
It is been clinically proven :临床试验证明
keep journal :记笔记
keep track of:记录下
take the right steps :采取合适的方法
其实用上最近学习的英语内容总觉得很偷懒...👅,在这里本意是记录自己内心的成长的,但是无奈最近全身心都被英语占据了,所以最近只能...但好歹能为大家介绍一篇好的视频和英语知识(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵),内心有一点安慰❤️,所以,我们下周见啦o(^▽^)o~~