(GeekBand)系统设计与实践 案例分析
- News Feeds
- Stats Server
- Web Crawler
- Amazon Product Page
News feed(信息流)
Define feed
- aggregate(分类)
- dedup(去重)
- sort(排序)
Database Schema:
- User
- Friendship
- News
- merge news
- Newsfeed vs News
Why bad?
100+ friends
1Query-->Get friends list
WHERE timestamp>xxx
AND sourceid IN friend list
LIMIT 1000
IN is slow
Either Sequential scan or 100+ index queries
Level 2.0
Pull vs Push
Pull:Get news from each friend,merge them together.(NewsFeed generated when user request)
Push:NewsFeed generated when news generated.(we have another table to store newsfeed,may cause duplicate news)
1Query to select latest 1000 newsfeed.
100+ insert queries(Async)
Disadvantage:News Delay.
Level 3.0
Popular star(Justin Bieber)
Flowers 13M+
Async Push may cause over 30 minutes(13M+ insertions,delay too long)
for popular star,don't push news to flowers
for every newfeed reqiest,merge non-popular user newfeed(push) and popular users newsfeed(pull)
Level 4.0
Push disadvantage
- Realtime
- Storage(Duplicate)
- Edit
Go back to PULL:
- Cache users' latest (14days) news
- Broadcast multiple request to multiple servers(Shard by userld).
- Merge & sort newsfeed
- Cache newsfeeds for this user with timestamp
Click Stats Server
How are click stats stored
A poor candidate will suggest write-back to a data store on every click
A good candidate will suggest some form of aggregation tier that accepts clickstream data,aggregates it,and writes back a persistent data store periodically
A great candidate will suggest alow-latecy messaging system to bugger the click data and transfer it to the aggregation tier.
If daily,storing in hdfs and running map/reduce jobs to compute stats is a reasonable approach
If near real-time,the aggregation logic should compute stats
Cache Requirement
- When a request comes look it up in the cache and if it hits then return the response from here and do not pass the request to the system.
- If the request is not found in the cache then pass it on to the system.
- Since cache can only store the last n requests,Insert the n+1th request in the cache and delete one of the older requests from the cache
- Design one cache such that all operations can be done in O(1)-lookup,delete and insert.
- 在层中缓存部分请求的处理方式,如果接收的请求在层中存在对应的处理方式,则无需把请求发送到后端系统
- 如果在层中找不到对应处理,则发送需求到后端
- 以定长队列的形式缓存,缓存最近的n个需求,头进尾出
- 将层中的匹配操作算法控制在O(1)范围
Web Crawler
Amazon Product Page
The product page includes information such as
- product information
- user information
- recommended products(what do other customers buy after viewing this item,recommendations for you like this product,etc)
- http://highscalability.com
- The Log:What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction
- Job Interviews:How should I prepare system design questions for Goole/Facebook Interview?
- <Design Pattern>
- <Design_Oatterns_For_Dummies.pdf>
- http://www.hiredintech.com/app