
英文回译:For Deeper Sleep and a Str

2020-03-21  本文已影响0人  Jandy944

. 对睡眠的热爱使全人类团结在一起.或许是吧.无论如何,很多人都在进行一项永不停息的任务来提升他们的睡眠质量,从选择最合适的枕头到设定最合适的室温.还有一个建议可用让你的睡眠质量更上一层楼:粉红色噪声.
. A love for sleep is what unites all of humanity. Probably. In any case, many people are on a never-ending mission to elevate their snooze sessions, from choosing the perfect pillow to setting the perfect room temperature. One more tip to take your bedtime to next level: pink noise.

.  甜蜜的梦来自"粉红噪声".
. Sweet dreams Are Made of Pink.

.  至少你知道在睡眠时间临近时不要过度使用智能手机,对比?无论你是尽最大努力还是最小努力以求一夜好眠,辅以"粉红噪声"是另一种付出少,回报高的策略,可以让你得到充足的睡眠.
. At least you know not to overuse your smartphone when sleeping time is coming near, right? Whether you put maximum or minimal effort into getting a good night's rest, throwing "pink noise" in mix is another low-effort, high-impact strategy for getting the most out of your sleep.

.  你可能听说过白噪声.粉红噪声很像白噪声,但听起来更令人愉悦,也更和谐,具有特殊高低频混音特征.根据伯克利健康中心的说法,粉红噪声比白噪声稍微低沉一点,仿佛树叶沙沙作响和瀑布奔腾等自然声音.白噪声更像是茶壶嘶嘶作响以及我们所熟知的电视机静音时的嗡嗡声.
. You've probably heard of white noise. Pink is a lot like that, except with a special blend of high and low frequencies that sounds a bit more pleasant and balanced. According to Berkeley Wellness, pink noise is a little deeper than white noise and mimics natural sounds like rustling leaves and rushing waterfalls. White noise is more akin to a hissing teapot and that familiar buzz of TV static.

.  研究表明,粉红噪声和白噪声都能帮助人们入睡并保持入睡状态.
. Studies have shown that both pink and white noise could help people fall asleep and stay asleep.

. 2012年,中国研究人员在《理论生物学杂志》上发表的一项研究,分析了参与者的脑电波,结果显示,当播放粉红噪声时,他们的睡眠--以及打盹时的睡眠--状态要好的多。
. In a 2012 study published by Chinese researchers in the journal of Theoretical Biology, analysis paricipants' brain waves showed that they slept -- and napped -- much better when pink noise was playing.

. 在2013年发表于《神经元》杂志的另一项研究中, 德国研究人员将粉红噪声脉冲与参与者的脑电波同步起来。 每当识别出参与者处于深度睡眠状态时,粉红噪声也在播放。于完全没有噪声时相比,粉红噪声恰好于长时间的深度睡眠相对应。
. In another study, published in Neuron in 2013, German researchers synced up pulses of pink noise with participants' brain waves. When the participants were identified as being deep sleep, the pink noise would play. Compared to no noise at all, the pink noise corresponded with longer periods of deep sleep.

. 这同时还有助于刺激参与者的记忆力:于没有噪声刺激对比,在经历了一晚上粉红噪声的刺激后, 第二天早上他们能够更好地回忆起睡前读过的成对词语。
. It also gave the participants a bonus jolt of memory: The morning after a night of pink noise, they were able to recall pairs of words they read before going to sleep much better than they were after a night of no noise.

. 粉红噪声下的巨大睡意
. Pretty Sleepy in Pink

. 2017年,一项关于粉红噪声的研究在特定年龄段的人口中也发现了类似的结果。
. A 2017 study of pink noise found similar results for a specific demographic.

. 西北大学非恩波个医学院神经学教授、资深作家菲利斯‘泽伊博士表示:“我们想看看他是否页使用于年龄比较大的人。”发表在《人类神经科学前沿》杂志上的这项研究,对13名60岁以上的老人进行了两晚的观察。每天晚上,他们都要接受测试,然后在安静或者间隔播放的一系列短暂粉红噪声中入眠。
. "We wanted to see if it would work in older people, too," says senior author Dr.Phyllis Zee, a professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, this study looked at 13 subjects age 60 and older for two nights. Each night, they were given a memory test, the either slept in silence or with a series of short bursts of pink noise playing.

. “ 这种声音相当悦耳,声音有点像一股水流在流动,”泽尹说。“这种噪声声音的明显程度,足以让大脑意识到它的存在,但又不至于干扰到睡眠。”

. 与2013年的研究结果相似,与无声睡眠相比,在粉红噪声刺激下的受试者,睡眠更深沉,早晨醒来后在记忆力测试中的表现也要好的多。鉴于年纪大的人有记忆力损伤的风险,而且睡眠也不怎么深沉,该研究结果还是很有发展前景的。粉红噪声又胜一筹。
. Similar to the result of the 2013 study, the subjects slept more deeply and performed better on a memory recall test the morning after a pink noise sleep than after a silent one. Given that older adults are at risk of memory impairment and tend not to sleep as deeply, the results are pretty promising . Score one more for pink noise.

. 虽然多项研究都支持某些噪声可用改善睡眠并提高记忆力这一观点,但还没有哪项研究将不同颜色的睡眠噪声相互对立起来,看看那一种更胜一筹。现在,不管怎么样,一切取决于你的爱好。如果你喜欢较高的音调频率,并且想体验更好地睡眠,试试白噪声吧。如果奔腾的水声更合你意,那就试试粉红噪声吧。睡得开心!
. Though multiple studies support the idea that some noise can improve your sleep and your memory, no study has pitted the different "color" of sleep against each other to see which might reign supreme. For now, anyway, it's all up to your preference. If you prefer the higher pitched frequencies and want to have a go at better sleep , try white noise . If rushing water is more your jam, try pink noise. Happy snoozing!

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