
双语 | Facebook 是又一个雅虎吗?

2018-11-25  本文已影响11人  易渔_

“BIG TOBACCO” is what the bosses of several large technology firms have started calling Facebook in private and in public.

“大烟草”是几家大型科技公司的老板在私下和公开场合对 Facebook 的称呼。

The company has spent the past year fending off critics who claim it is addictive, bad for democracy and overdue for a regulatory reckoning.

过去一年里,Facebook 一直在忙着抵挡批评它的人们,他们声称Facebook令人上瘾,对民主不利,早该进行监管清算了。

Being compared to the tobacco giants is one of the business world’s more toxic insults, but it is not the only unflattering analogy circulating. A lower blow is the suggestion that Facebook may become like Yahoo, the once high-flying internet firm that plunged.

把Faceboo比作烟草巨头,这是商界对它比较恶毒的侮辱之一,但并不是世间传播的唯一一种贬损类比。对它更具贬低性的一个打击是,有人认为 Facebook 可能变得像一度雄心勃勃却走了下坡路的互联网公司雅虎 (Yahoo) 一样。

原文节选自:The Economist, Nov 24, 2018



