英语阅读:If You Asked me why I Like 

2017-11-12  本文已影响0人  鱼和大象


I like you because a simple message from  you turns my whole day around.


I like you because you have me re-reading our recent messages when we  aren't talking, smiling as if it's the first time I'm reading them.


I like you because actually reading your  messages for the first time has me  subconsciously beaming for minutes uncontrollably. Even when I'm in public.

我喜欢你,实际上当我第一次读你的信息时即便在大庭广众下 我情不自禁的微笑了好久

I like you because while we have a lot in  common, we still have plenty of differences that we find interesting enough to explore.


I like you because you have passion. And  you have dreams and because you inspire me to follow, and reach, my own.


I like you because you are creative, you  have a way with words and you have brought out a side of me that I thought was long lost.


I like you because you date me. You plan  surprises and always put the most effort into pulling them off. You're always coming  up with fun ideas and activities for us to  enjoy.


I like you because since meeting you I have been so happy that it is honestly physically uncomfortable. You give new meaning to  the term having feelings for somebody. Going weak at the knees has become a very  real problem.


I like you because you're intelligent. You're curious and you know a little bit about everything. Your wit and wisdom is endlessly fascinating to me and I could listen to you chatter away for hours.


I like you because you are clumsy and a  little awkward, but you never try to hide it.  You are one of those rare people who are  purely and simply, unapologetically, them.


I like you because my goodness, you are so cute. You are the perfect combination of  handsome and cute. It is lethal. Your eyes. Your smile. I could go on. And on.


I like you because I knew from the moment we met you would become someone I  could trust with all my heart. I am content being completely vulnerable and truly  myself with you.


I like you because we both fell into this  liking of each other with no warning, no  notice and no expectations of what might happen. I like that we are both happy living  in this moment.


I like you because you look at me. When I  am talking, you are looking into my eyes.  When I'm worrying about whether or not I  have food on my face you look at me like  I'm beautiful, and I believe you.


But I like you because, most simply, you are you.


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