ExaSMOC Online

B15. Trend View-3&B16. Messa

2017-01-26  本文已影响7人  橡果
Fig. B 15.2 Station name window 图B 15.2站名窗口

表B 15.5操作按钮

| 按钮| 描述|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| ▲/▼ | 显示前后界面。最大页数为40。|
| OK| 接受输入的数据并关闭笔分配窗口。|
| Cancel | 拒绝输入的数据。|

每台操作站/计算机最多可以打开三个趋势面板。 应当注意的是,对同一页面进行的笔分配改变是有效的,并且仅对最后一页保存,而在较早的两页上的改变是无效的且不被保存。

 趋势数据


表B 15.6 Exasmoc控制器的趋势数据列表

Exasmoc参数 内部趋势项名称 预测
Main Controller(主控制器)
Desired Status(所需状态) COM.REQST
Actual Status (实际状态) COM.ACTT
Economic Function Value(经济函数值) COM.EFVALVT
EF Selected(EF选项) COM.EFSELT
Optimal Value(优化值) COM.ECVALVT
Gain Value(增益值) GAIN***.MEAST
Desired Status (所需状态) COM.REQST
Actual Status (实际状态) COM.ACTT
MV : Measurement(测量值) MV***.MEAST
MV : Set point Read back (设定点回读) MV***.SPRBT
MV : Valve Position(阀位) MV***.VALVT
MV : Calculated High Limit(计算高限) MV****.CUAHT
MV : Calculated Low Limit(计算低限) MV***.CUALT
MV : Output(输出) MV***.ABST X
MV : Prediction at Steady State(稳态下预测值) MV***.RECHT
DV : Measurement(测量值) DV***.MEAST
POV : Measurement(测量值) POV***.MEAST
POV : Estimated(估计值) POV***.ESTIT
POV : Innovation(更新) POV***.INNOVT
CV : Prediction at Steady State(稳态下预测值) CV***.RECHT
CV : Calculated Value(计算值) CV***.MEAST X
CV : Set Range High(设定范围高限) CV***.STRLT
CV : Set Range low(设定范围低限) CV***.STRHT


B16 消息视图


Fig. B 16.1 Message View 图B 16.1消息视图


通过单击树状图中的“Message => Exasmoc”图标显示消息面板。
单击每个单元格后将显示下拉菜单。 可以通过选择每个选项来排序消息。


表B 16.1消息视图

| 条目 | 说明| 操作员模式| 工程师模式|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| Date Time(日期时间) | 消息生成时间。| R| R|
| Controller(控制器) | 显示Exasmoc主控制器名称。 | R| R|
| Sub-controller(子控制器) | 显示Exasmoc子控制器名称。| R | R|
| Message(消息) | 显示所选信息的内容。| R | R|
| Refresh(刷新)| 刷新消息视图。 | R| R|
| All Message(所有消息) | 指定要显示的消息类型:所有消息,每条消息。 | R/W| R/W|
| Number To Display(要显示的数目) | 指定每页的消息数量。| R/W | R/W|

Table B 15.5 Operation buttons

|Button | Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|▲/▼ |Up / down the displayed page. Maximum page is 40.|
|OK |Accept the input data and close the pen assign window.|
|Cancel |Reject the input data,|

A maximum of three trend Panels can be opened per operator station/computer. It should be noted that pen assignment changes made for the same page are effective and saved for the last page only and changes on earlier two pages are not effective and not saved.

 Trend Data

Following data of Main controller and Sub controller can be assigned as trend data.

Table B 15.6 List of trend data for Exasmoc controller

Exasmoc Parameters Internal Trend Item Name Prediction
Main Controller
Desired Status COM.REQST
Actual Status COM.ACTT
Economic Function Value COM.EFVALVT
Optimal Value COM.ECVALVT
Gain Value GAIN***.MEAST
Desired Status COM.REQST
Actual Status COM.ACTT
MV : Measurement MV***.MEAST
MV : Set point Read back MV***.SPRBT
MV : Valve Position MV***.VALVT
MV : Calculated High Limit MV****.CUAHT
MV : Calculated Low Limit MV***.CUALT
MV : Output MV***.ABST X
MV : Prediction at Steady State MV***.RECHT
DV : Measurement DV***.MEAST
POV : Measurement POV***.MEAST
POV : Estimated POV***.ESTIT
POV : Innovation POV***.INNOVT
CV : Prediction at Steady State CV***.RECHT
CV : Calculated Value CV***.MEAST X
CV : Set Range High CV***.STRLT
CV : Set Range low CV***.STRHT

‘Commonxxx’ and ‘PRDxxx’ are replaced by Tag name and Prediction names which are defined offline using PCTP tool.

B16. Message View

The message panel sequentially displays messages that occurred in Exasmoc. In the historical message panel, the message can be searched, sorted and displayed.

■ Operation

Message panel is displayed by clicking the ”Message =>Exasmoc” icon from the tree view.
By clicking each cell, the pull down menu is displayed. Messages can be sorted by selecting each option.

■ Description of items

Table B 16.1 Message View

| Item| Description | Operator mode| Engineer mode|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| Date Time| Message generated time| R | R|
| Controller | Exasmoc main controller name is displayed. | R| R|
| Sub-controller| Exasmoc sub-controller name is displayed. | R | R|
| Message| Content of the selected message is displayed.| R | R|
| Refresh| Refresh the message view.| R | R|
| All Message | Specify the message type to be shown: all messages, each message| R/W| R/W|
| Number To Display | Specify the number of messages per page.| R/W| R/W|


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