英语口语 61-65

2020-02-02  本文已影响0人  变瘦了吗

1. finish (doing) sth 完成(做)某事

finish up with sth 以...结束

garment bag 套衣服的保护套,衣罩;装衣服的旅行包

accessory 装饰品,配饰

carry-on (可随身携带的)小包,小行李箱

cover all the bases 考虑周全,面面俱到

think sth through 充分考虑,全盘考虑

attach sth to sth 给某物贴上...

RFID = radio-frequency identification 无线射频识别

wand 魔杖,魔棒,识别笔

cross-reference v. 加注使相互参照

spectrum 范围

duration 持续时长

2. put/ press/ push the pedal to the metal 加大油门,踩尽油门

step on it 加大油门

cut sb off 切断某人的去/来路,拦截某人

intersection 十字路口,交叉路口

floor it (驾驶时为达到最高速度)把油门踩到底

gun v.使加速,猛踩...的油门


gun it

gun the engine

burn rubber 比喻汽车瞬间加速时的状态,引申为:加大油门

GPS = Global Positioning System 全球卫星定位系统

GPS / car / mobile navigation 卫星/汽车/手机导航

get turned around = get lost 迷路

sb lose one's way/ bearings 某人迷路

A fool with a tool is still s fool 就怕有导航你也搞不定(强调工具背后的思想才是最重要的)

turn-by-turn voice 语音导航

bear v.忍受;转向

bear left 向左转

continue on + 某条路  沿着某条路一直走

interstate (美国的)洲际公路

even 偶数的

odd 奇数的

even-numbered 偶数的

run v.(使)行进,(使)行驶

run east and west 向东西方向行驶

数字-digit = 数字+digit(s)几位数的

bypass (绕过村镇的)旁路,副0道

spur (公路的)支线

3. underpass 地下通道

get on the wheel 打舵盘

A be right across B  A在B的正对面

A be kitty-corner to/from B  A在B的斜对面

plain 清楚的,明显的

hump n.驼峰

as plain as the hump on a camel 非常明显

as busy as a bee 非常忙

as strong as an ox 非常强壮

as sly/cunning as a fox 非常狡猾

aim for sth 瞄准某物;旨在做某事,致力于做某事

hang on 等一下,坐好了

4. back  and forth 来回,往返

pull into sp. 把车停在某地

pump the gas 加油

turnaround n.周转时间,处理时间

make a quick turnaround 快速返航

put gas in the car 给车加油

put gas in the tank 给油箱加油

premium (品质)级的,优质的

mid-grade 中级的

93#,20liters  20升93号汽油

leaded gas 含铅汽油

unleaded 无铅的

premium unleaded gas 优质无铅汽油

motorway 高速公路

gas tank 油箱

get on the wrong side of sb 惹恼某人,让某人不高兴

get up on the wrong side of the bed 整天心烦意乱,情绪不佳

all set 准备就绪

Can I charge this?  我可以刷卡付款吗?

charge v.把...记在账上

plastic n.信用卡

Cash or plastic/charge? 现金还是刷卡


Have a safe one(通用)

Have a safe flight(飞机)

Have a safe trip/ journey(旅行)

intact 完整无缺的,未经触动的

full-service 全套服务的

self-service 自助服务的

self-service gas pumps 自助加油机

5. 某物正是某人所需要:

sth be just what the doctor ordered. 某物来的正是时候

sth be exactly what sb need(s). 某物正是某人所需要的

sb be in desperate need of sth. 某人迫切需要某物

sth really hit(s) the spot. 某物正是某人所需要的

the rat race (现代社会人们为权利和金钱进行的)激烈竞争

tell me about it 可不是嘛,的确这样

skimmed 脱脂的

slip one's mind/ memory 被某人忘记

her exact words 她的原话

exact 精确的,确切的

leave sth behind 忘了带某物

It seems to have slipped my mind 我好像给忘了

sb keep(s) forgetting that + 句子  某人总是忘了...

as it happens 恰恰

pharmacy 药店,药房

not cost sb a dime 某人一分钱也没花

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