[TED.04] Robert Waldinger: What
2016-01-31 本文已影响408人
4. Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness
- 一项持续75年的研究
- 研究对象是Havard的学生和贫民区的学生
- 核心是:Good relationship keep us healthier and happier.
- social connection 很重要
- lonely会让人变的情绪差并影响寿命
- close realtionship,婚姻和家庭关系的好坏很重要
- Mark Twain
There isn't time, so brief is life.
for bickering, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account
It's time for loving and but for instant, so to speak, for that.
- where would you put your time and your energy?
- how those choices work out for them
- Hindsight is 20/20. 事后诸葛亮
- downright 非常 十分
- unfold through time 随时间显现
- exceeding rare
- drop out of 退出
- running water 自来水
- octogenarian 八旬老人
- buffer us from some of the slings and arrows
- tend to falmliy and friends 照顾 维系
- fare the best 表现的最好
(1) 亲密关系之间的争吵往往是最常见的,但这带来的损耗也是非常巨大的。我们应当尽可能的避免。