
[Unity Editor] 基于BMFont创建美术(静态)字

2017-12-21  本文已影响82人  _Walker__






3.1 BMFontTool


public class BMFontTool
    public static Regex BMCharMatch =
        new Regex(
            @"char id=(?<id>\d+)\s+x=(?<x>\d+)\s+y=(?<y>\d+)\s+width=(?<width>\d+)\s+height=(?<height>\d+)\s+xoffset=(?<xoffset>\d+)\s+yoffset=(?<yoffset>\d+)\s+xadvance=(?<xadvance>\d+)\s+");

    public static Regex BMInfoMatch =
        new Regex(@"common lineHeight=(?<lineHeight>\d+)\s+.*scaleW=(?<scaleW>\d+)\s+scaleH=(?<scaleH>\d+)");

    public const string BMFontExt = ".fnt";
    public const string FontExt = ".fontsettings";

    public static string GetConfPath()
        Object obj = Selection.activeObject;
        string cfgPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj);
        if (!cfgPath.EndsWith(".fnt"))
            return null;
        return cfgPath;

    [MenuItem("Assets/Create Font")]
    public static void CreateFromBMFont()
        string cfgPath = GetConfPath();
        if (null == cfgPath) return;

        string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cfgPath);
        int lineHeight = 1;
        // 创建材质
        Material mat = new Material(Shader.Find("UI/Unlit/Text Detail"))
            name = name,
            mainTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture>(cfgPath.Replace(BMFontExt, ".png")),
        mat.SetTexture("_DetailTex", mat.mainTexture);
        // 创建字体
        Font customFont = new Font(name)
            material = mat,
            characterInfo = ParseBMFont(cfgPath, ref lineHeight).ToArray(),
        // 修改行高
        SerializedObject serializedFont = new SerializedObject(customFont);
        SetLineHeight(serializedFont, lineHeight);
        // 保存
        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, cfgPath.Replace(BMFontExt, ".mat"));
        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(customFont, cfgPath.Replace(BMFontExt, FontExt));

    [MenuItem("Assets/Build Font")]
    public static void BuildFromBMFont()
        string cfgPath = GetConfPath();
        if (null == cfgPath) return;

        string fontPath = cfgPath.Replace(BMFontExt, FontExt);
        if (!File.Exists(fontPath)) return;

        Font customFont = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Font>(fontPath);
        int lineHeight = 1;
        List<CharacterInfo> chars = ParseBMFont(cfgPath, ref lineHeight);
        SerializeFont(customFont, chars, lineHeight);
        Debug.Log("字体更新完成", customFont);

    public static List<CharacterInfo> ParseBMFont(string path, ref int lineHeight)
        List<CharacterInfo> chars = new List<CharacterInfo>();
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
            // 文字贴图的宽、高
            float texWidth = 1;
            float texHeight = 1;

            string line = reader.ReadLine();
            while (line != null)
                if (line.StartsWith("char id="))
                    Match match = BMCharMatch.Match(line);
                    if (match != Match.Empty)
                        int id = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["id"].Value);
                        int x = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["x"].Value);
                        int y = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["y"].Value);
                        int width = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["width"].Value);
                        int height = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["height"].Value);
                        int xoffset = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["xoffset"].Value);
                        int yoffset = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["yoffset"].Value);
                        int xadvance = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["xadvance"].Value);
                        // 转换为Unity UV坐标
                        float uvMinX = x / texWidth;
                        float uvMaxX = (x + width) / texWidth;
                        float uvMaxY = 1 - (y / texHeight);
                        float uvMinY = (texHeight - height - y) / texHeight;

                        // Unity字体UV的是 [左下(0, 0) - 右上(1, 1)]
                        // BMFont的UV是 [左上(0,0) - 右下(1, 1)]
                        CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo
                            // 字符的Unicode值
                            index = id,
                            uvBottomLeft = new Vector2(uvMinX, uvMinY),
                            uvBottomRight = new Vector2(uvMaxX, uvMinY),
                            uvTopLeft = new Vector2(uvMinX, uvMaxY),
                            uvTopRight = new Vector2(uvMaxX, uvMaxY),
                            minX = xoffset,
                            minY = -height / 2, // 居中对齐
                            glyphWidth = width,
                            glyphHeight = height,
                            // The horizontal distance from the origin of this character to the origin of the next character.
                            advance = xadvance,
                else if (line.IndexOf("scaleW=", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                    Match match = BMInfoMatch.Match(line);
                    if (match != Match.Empty)
                        lineHeight = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["lineHeight"].Value);
                        texWidth = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["scaleW"].Value);
                        texHeight = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["scaleH"].Value);
                line = reader.ReadLine();
        return chars;

    public static void SetLineHeight(SerializedObject font, float height)
        font.FindProperty("m_LineSpacing").floatValue = height;

    /// <summary>
    /// 序列化自定义字体
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="font">字体资源</param>
    /// <param name="chars">全部字符信息</param>
    /// <param name="lineHeight">显示的行高</param>
    public static SerializedObject SerializeFont(Font font, List<CharacterInfo> chars, float lineHeight)
        SerializedObject serializedFont = new SerializedObject(font);
        SetLineHeight(serializedFont, lineHeight);
        SerializeFontCharInfos(serializedFont, chars);
        return serializedFont;

    /// <summary>
    /// 序列化字体中的全部字符信息
    /// </summary>
    public static void SerializeFontCharInfos(SerializedObject font, List<CharacterInfo> chars)
        SerializedProperty charRects = font.FindProperty("m_CharacterRects");
        charRects.arraySize = chars.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < chars.Count; ++i)
            CharacterInfo info = chars[i];
            SerializedProperty prop = charRects.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
            SerializeCharInfo(prop, info);

    /// <summary>
    /// 序列化一个字符信息
    /// </summary>
    public static void SerializeCharInfo(SerializedProperty prop, CharacterInfo charInfo)
        prop.FindPropertyRelative("index").intValue = charInfo.index;
        prop.FindPropertyRelative("uv").rectValue = charInfo.uv;
        prop.FindPropertyRelative("vert").rectValue = charInfo.vert;
        prop.FindPropertyRelative("advance").floatValue = charInfo.advance;
        prop.FindPropertyRelative("flipped").boolValue = false;

3.2 细节说明


3.2.1 解决代码生成的CustomFont信息会丢失问题

  另外代码中使用new Font() + AssetDatabase.CreateAsset()也可以保留序列化信息,但它只能用在创建字体时。更新字体用它会删掉旧字体,并创建一个新的,那么项目中用到旧字体的地方就会Missing。

3.2.2 文字无法换行

  上图的现象是没有设置行高导致的。Inspector中行高的参数是Line Spacing,而在代码中是Font.lineHeight。这里需要注意lineHeight是只读属性,想在代码里设置行高,只能借助SerializedObject。

3.2.3 竖直方向上的文字对齐

  代码中保证了竖直居中对齐是正确的,但是上对齐、下对齐的位置会出现问题。我探索出了在三种对齐方式下分别正确的参数,但是不能同时满足三种对齐 Orz...


  • 上对齐 : minY = -height/2 - yoffset*2
  • 居中对齐: minY = -height / 2
  • 下对齐 : maxY = height-yoffset

  虽然从参数上不能同时适配三种对齐,但勾选Text组件的Align By Geometry选项可以解决问题。
  如果有朋友解决了这个问题,请不吝赐教。还有minX、minY、maxX、maxY这几个参数的含义我也没搞懂,文档的信息实在是不清不楚 ……了解的朋友也请留言。

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