Apache Phoenix(三)新特性之用户定义函数UDFS(
2020-02-07 本文已影响0人
在Phoenix 4.4.中我们允许用户创建和部署它们自己自定义或特定于域的用户自定义函数在集群功能中。
我们利用Hbase动态类加载器从HDFS中动态加载udf jar包在phoenix客户端和区域服务器中,不需要再重启服务。
<description>The directory shared by region servers and into
which HBase persists. The URL should be 'fully-qualified'
to include the filesystem scheme. For example, to specify the
HDFS directory '/hbase' where the HDFS instance's namenode is
running at namenode.example.org on port 9000, set this value to:
hdfs://namenode.example.org:9000/hbase. By default, we write
to whatever ${hbase.tmp.dir} is set too -- usually /tmp --
so change this configuration or else all data will be lost on
machine restart.</description>
The directory from which the custom udf jars can be loaded
dynamically by the phoenix client/region server without the need to restart. However,
an already loaded udf class would not be un-loaded. See
HBASE-1936 for more details.
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("phoenix.functions.allowUserDefinedFunctions", "true");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:phoenix:localhost", props);
<description>Directory on the local filesystem to be used
as a local storage.</description>
- 去实现定制的UDF 你可以参考下面的步骤“如何编写定制UDF”。
- 当打包你的代码成jar包时,你必须将它部署在HDFS上。它将会更好的去添加jar包在HDFS目录配置在hbase的hbase.dynamic.jars.dir。
- 最后的步骤就是运行CREATE FUNCTION查询。
你可以丢弃函数通过DROP FUNCTION查询语句。丢其函数会删除函数元数据,在phoneix中。
- 创建一个派生至org.apache.phoenix.expression.function.ScalarFunction新类。
- 实现一个确定数据返回类型的getDataType方法。
- 实现计算每行结果所需调用的evalute方法。该方法传递一个org.apache.phoenix.schema.tuple.Tuple具有当前行的状态和一个org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable需要要填写以指向函数执行的结果。如果没有足够的信息可用来计算结果(通常是因为其中一个参数未知),则该方法返回false,否则返回true。
下面是优化的其他步骤。 - 为了能够提供扫描的开始/停止键,自定义函数需要覆盖以下两个来自ScalarFunction的方法:
* Determines whether or not a function may be used to form
* the start/stop key of a scan
* @return the zero-based position of the argument to traverse
* into to look for a primary key column reference, or
* {@value #NO_TRAVERSAL} if the function cannot be used to
* form the scan key.
public int getKeyFormationTraversalIndex() {
* Manufactures a KeyPart used to construct the KeyRange given
* a constant and a comparison operator.
* @param childPart the KeyPart formulated for the child expression
* at the {@link #getKeyFormationTraversalIndex()} position.
* @return the KeyPart for constructing the KeyRange for this
* function.
public KeyPart newKeyPart(KeyPart childPart) {
return null;
- 此外,为了使ORDER BY能够优化或GROUP BY能够就地完成:
* Determines whether or not the result of the function invocation
* will be ordered in the same way as the input to the function.
* Returning YES enables an optimization to occur when a
* GROUP BY contains function invocations using the leading PK
* column(s).
* @return YES if the function invocation will always preserve order for
* the inputs versus the outputs and false otherwise, YES_IF_LAST if the
* function preserves order, but any further column reference would not
* continue to preserve order, and NO if the function does not preserve
* order.
public OrderPreserving preservesOrder() {
return OrderPreserving.NO;
- 包含UDFs的jar包必须手动的添加,手动的删除在HDFS上。为添加/删除的jar添加新的SQL语句。Phoenix-1890
- 动态类加载器拷贝udf的jar包到{hbase.local.dir}/jars在phoneix客户端/区域服务器,当ufs被使用时。函数删除后,必须手动删除jar包。
- 如果函数实现更改,就必须手动重建函数索引。Phoenix-1907
- 加载后,jar包将不会被卸载,所以你需要修改后实现放在另外一个jar包中,防止出现回退在你的集群中Phoenix-1907。
- 要列出你需要查询SYSTEM.FUNCTION表的功能Phoenix-1921