CATIA Python接口:CATIA.SystemServi

2020-02-20  本文已影响0人  锦囊喵

CATIA automation接口,当函数引用传参,Python不能得到正确结果,怎么破?


  Sub GetPoint( CATSafeArrayVariant  oCoordinates)
  | Retrieves the position of the point.
  | Parameters:
  | oCoordinates
  | The coordinate of the point with respect to the product coordinate system:
  | oCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate
  | oCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate
  | oCoordinates(2) is the Z coordinate
  | Example:
  | This example retrieves the coordinate of the point of NewMeasurable measure.
  |    Dim Coordinates (2)
  |    NewMeasurable.GetPoint Coordinates

后来参考pyCatia ;代码如下:

    def get_point(self, catia):
        :param catia: CATIAApplication()
        :return: tuple(float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_point'
        vba_function = 'GetPoint'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim Coordinates (2)
            measurable.{vba_function} Coordinates
            {vba_function_name} = Coordinates
        End Function

        return catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])



import random
import win32com.client

CATIA = win32com.client.GetActiveObject('CATIA.Application')
CATVBALanguage = 1

# This should work, but CATIA leaves up the dialog window and it can affect
# the rest of the code execution
# NewProductDocument = CATIA.Documents.Add('Product')

# Instead, write the code in VBA and then have CATIA execute it.  You can
# pass in arguments and capture the results as demonstrated below.
    Public Function create_product(part_number as  CATBSTR) as Document
        Set create_product = CATIA.Documents.Add("Product")
        create_product.Product.PartNumber = part_number
    End Function
PART_NUMBER = 'test_product_{}'.format(random.randint(1, 100))
NewProductDocument = CATIA.SystemService.Evaluate(
    CREATE_PRODUCT_VBA_CODE,   # String with the VBA code to execute
    CATVBALanguage,            # 1 to indicate this string is VBA code
    'create_product',          # VBA function to call and return result from
    [PART_NUMBER]              # Array of arguments, in order for VBA function

# Can still interact with this returned object as if we had created it


#! /usr/bin/python3.6

class CATIAMeasurable:
    The interface to access a CATIAMeasurable Get measurements on the object.

    .. note::
        CAA V5 Visual Basic help

        Two types of measurement can be done:

        | itself : gives dimensions related to the object itself (ex the radius of a circle).
        | between : gives dimensions related to another object (ex the distance between two products).
        | A restriction occurs for distance between: bodies (CATBody) cannot be measured.

        | Methods on VOLUME : GetVolume GetArea GetCOG
        | Methods on SURFACE : GetArea GetCOG GetPerimeter
        | Methods on PLANE : GetArea GetCOG GetPlane
        | Methods on CYLINDER : GetArea GetCOG GetAxis GetPointsOnAxis GetRadius
        | Methods on CONE : GetArea GetCOG GetAxis GetPointsOnAxis GetAngle
        | Methods on SPHERE : GetArea GetCOG GetRadius GetCenter
        | Methods on CURVE : GetLength GetCOG GetPointsOnCurve
        | Methods on LINE : GetLength GetCOG GetPointsOnCurve GetDirection
        | Methods on CIRCLE : GetLength GetCOG GetPointsOnCurve GetRadius GetCenter GetAngle GetAxis
        | Methods on POINT : GetPoint
        | Methods on AXIS SYST : GetAxisSystem


    def __init__(self, measurable):
        :param measurable:
        self.measurable = measurable

    def angle(self):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Property Angle( ) As double (Read Only)

            | Returns the Angle of a circle or cone.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the Angle of NewMeasurable measure.
            | Dim AAngle As double
            | AAngle = NewMeasurable.Angle

        :return: angle
        return self.measurable.Angle

    def area(self):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Property Area( ) As double (Read Only)

            | Returns the area of the surface or wet area from volume.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the area of NewMeasurable measure. The area unit given by oArea is m²
            |   Dim AArea As double
            |   AArea = NewMeasurable.Area

        :return: float
        return self.measurable.Area

    def geometry_name(self):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Property GeometryName( ) As CatMeasurableName (Read Only)

            | Returns the name of the geometry of the measured object.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the name of the geometry of the NewMeasurable measure.
            |   Dim AGeometryName As CatMeasurableName
            |   AGeometryName = NewMeasurable.GeometryName

        :return: str

        catia_measurable_name_list = ['CatMeasurableUnknown',
                                      'CatMeasurableAxisSystem', ]

        return catia_measurable_name_list[self.measurable.GeometryName]

    def length(self):
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Property Length( ) As double (Read Only)

            | Returns the Length of a curve.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the Length of NewMeasurable measure.
            |   Dim ALength As double
            |   ALength = NewMeasurable.Length

        :return: float

        return self.measurable.Length

    def perimeter(self):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Property Perimeter( ) As double (Read Only)

            | Returns the perimeter of a surface.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the perimeter of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim APerimeter As double
            |    APerimeter = NewMeasurable.Perimeter

        :return: float

        return self.measurable.Perimeter

    def radius(self):
        ..note ::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Property Radius( ) As double (Read Only)

            | Returns the radius of an arc, cylinder or sphere.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the Radius of NewMeasurable measure.
            |   Dim ARadius As double
            |   ARadius = NewMeasurable.Radius

        :return: float

        return self.measurable.Radius

    def volume(self):
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help
            Property Volume( ) As double (Read Only)

            | Returns the volume.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the volume of NewMeasurable measure. The volume unit given by oVolume is m^3
            |   Dim AVolume As double
            |   AVolume = NewMeasurable.Volume

        :return: float
        return self.measurable.Volume

    def get_angle_between(self, reference_measurable):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Func GetAngleBetween( Reference  iMeasuredItem) As double

            | Compute the angle between the CATIAMeasurable and another.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the angle between the reference1 and reference2.

            | Dim reference1 As Reference
            | Set reference1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(object1)

            | Dim reference2 As Reference
            | Set reference2 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(object1)

            | Dim TheSPAWorkbench As Workbench
            | Set TheSPAWorkbench = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench ( "SPAWorkbench" )

            | Dim TheMeasurable As Measurable
            | Set TheMeasurable = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(reference1)

            | Dim MinimumDistance As double
            | MinimumDistance = TheMeasurable.GetAngleBetween(reference2)

        :return: float

        return self.measurable.GetAngleBetween(reference_measurable)

    def get_axis(self, catia):
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetAxis( CATSafeArrayVariant  oAxisVector)

            | Retrieves the axis vector of the cylinder or a cone.
            | Parameters:
            | oVector
            | The axis vector of the cylinder or a cone with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oAxisVector(0) is the X direction
            | oAxisVector(1) is the Y direction
            | oAxisVector(2) is the Z direction
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the axis vector of the cylinder or a cone of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim AxisVector (2)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetAxis AxisVector

        :param catia:
        :return: tuple(float, float, float)
        vba_function_name = 'get_axis'
        vba_function = 'GetAxis'
        vba_code = f'''   
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim AxisVector (2)
            measurable.{vba_function} AxisVector
            {vba_function_name} = AxisVector
        End Function
        result = catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

        return result

    def get_axis_system(self, catia):
        ..note ::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetAxisSystem( CATSafeArrayVariant  oComponents)

            | Retrieves the information of the axis system.
            | Parameters:
            | oCoordinates
            | The information of the axis system with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oComponents(0) is the X coordinate of the origin of the axis system
            | oComponents(1) is the Y coordinate of the origin of the axis system
            | oComponents(2) is the Z coordinate of the origin of the axis system
            | oComponents(3) is the X coordinate of the first direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(4) is the Y coordinate of the first direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(5) is the Z coordinate of the first direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(6) is the X coordinate of the second direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(7) is the Y coordinate of the second direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(8) is the Z coordinate of the second direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(9) is the X coordinate of the third direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(10) is the Y coordinate of the third direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(11) is the Z coordinate of the third direction of the axis system
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves information of the axis system of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Components (11)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetAxisSystem Components

        :param catia: CATIAApplication()
        :return: tuple(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_axis_system'
        vba_function = 'GetAxisSystem'
        vba_code = f'''        
            Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
                Dim Components (11)
                measurable.{vba_function} Components
                {vba_function_name} = Components
            End Function

        result = catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

        return result

    def get_cog(self, catia):
        .. note::
            FROM CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetCOG( CATSafeArrayVariant  oCoordinates)

            | Retrieves the position of the center of gravity of a surface and volume .
            | Parameters:
            | oCoordinates
            | The position of the center of gravity with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate
            | oCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate
            | oCoordinates(2) is the Z coordinate
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the position of the center of gravity of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Coordinates (2)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetCOG Coordinates

        :param catia: CATIAApplication()
        :return: tuple(float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'create_cog'
        vba_function = 'GetCOG'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim coord(2)
            measurable.{vba_function} coord
            {vba_function_name} = coord
        End Function
        result = catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

        return result

    def get_center(self, catia):
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help
            Sub GetCenter( CATSafeArrayVariant  oCoordinates)

            | Retrieves the position of the center of a circle or sphere.
            | Parameters:
            | oCoordinates
            | The position of the center with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate
            | oCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate
            | oCoordinates(2) is the Z coordinate
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the position of the center of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Coordinates (2)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetCenter Coordinates << fixed typo in help

        :param catia: CATIAApplication()
        :return: tuple(float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_center'
        vba_function = 'GetCenter'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim Coordinates (2)
            measurable.{vba_function} Coordinates
            {vba_function_name} = Coordinates
        End Function

        result = catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

        return result

    def get_direction(self, catia):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetDirection( CATSafeArrayVariant  oDirection)

            | Retrieves the direction of the line.
            | Parameters:
            | oDirection
            | The direction of the line with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oDirection(0) is the X direction
            | oDirection(1) is the Y direction
            | oDirection(2) is the Z direction
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the direction of the line of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Direction (2)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetDirection Direction

        :param catia:
        :return: tuple(float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_direction'
        vba_function = 'GetDirection'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim direction (2) 
            measurable.{vba_function} direction
            {vba_function_name} = direction
        End Function

        result = catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

        return result

    def get_minimum_distance(self, reference):
        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Func GetMinimumDistance( Reference  iMeasuredItem) As double

            | Compute the minimum distance between the CATIAMeasurable and another.
            | Bodies (openbody, hybridbody..) cannot be measured between.
            | Parameters:
            | oCoordinates
            | The information of the axis system with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oComponents(0) is the X coordinate of the origin of the axis system
            | oComponents(1) is the Y coordinate of the origin of the axis system
            | oComponents(2) is the Z coordinate of the origin of the axis system
            | oComponents(3) is the X coordinate of the first direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(4) is the Y coordinate of the first direction of the axis system
            | oComponents(5) is the Z coordinate of the first direction of the axis system
            | Example:
            |   This example retrieves the distance between the reference1 and reference2.
            |   Dim reference1 As Reference
            |   Set reference1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(object1)
            |   Dim reference2 As Reference
            |   Set reference2 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(object1)
            |   Dim TheSPAWorkbench As Workbench
            |   Set TheSPAWorkbench = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench ( "SPAWorkbench" )
            |   Dim TheMeasurable As Measurable
            |   Set TheMeasurable = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(reference1)
            |   Dim MinimumDistance As double
            |   MinimumDistance = TheMeasurable.GetMinimumDistance(reference2)

        :return: float

        return self.measurable.GetMinimumDistance(reference)

    def get_minimum_distance_points(self, catia, point_reference):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetMinimumDistancePoints( Reference  iMeasuredItem, CATSafeArrayVariant  oCoordinates)

            | Compute the points corresponding to the minimum distance between the two references.
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the points corresponding to the distance between the reference1 and reference2.
            |   Dim reference1 As Reference
            |   Set reference1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(object1)
            |   Dim reference2 As Reference
            |   Set reference2 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(object1)
            |   Dim TheSPAWorkbench As Workbench
            |   Set TheSPAWorkbench = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench ( "SPAWorkbench" )
            |   Dim TheMeasurable As Measurable
            |   Set TheMeasurable = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(reference1)
            |   Dim Coordinates (8)
            |   TheMeasurable.GetMinimumDistancePoints reference2, Coordinates

        :param catia: CATIAApplication()
        :param point_reference:
        :return: tuple(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_minimum_distance_points'
        vba_function = 'GetMinimumDistancePoints'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable, point_reference)
            Dim Coordinates (8) 
            measurable.{vba_function} point_reference, Coordinates
            {vba_function_name} = Coordinates
        End Function

        return catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable, point_reference])

    def get_plane(self, catia):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetPlane( CATSafeArrayVariant  oComponents)

            | Retrieves informations of the plane.
            | Parameters:
            | oComponents
            | The informations of the plane with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oComponents(0) is the X coordinate of the origin
            | oComponents(1) is the Y coordinate of the origin
            | oComponents(2) is the Z coordinate of the origin
            | oComponents(3) is the X coordinate of the first direction of the plane
            | oComponents(4) is the Y coordinate of the first direction of the plane
            | oComponents(5) is the Z coordinate of the first direction of the plane
            | oComponents(6) is the X coordinate of the second direction of the plane
            | oComponents(7) is the Y coordinate of the second direction of the plane
            | oComponents(8) is the Z coordinate of the second direction of the plane
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves informations of the plane of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Components (8)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetPlane Components

        :param catia:
        :return: tuple(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_plane'
        vba_function = 'GetPlane'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim Components (8)
            measurable.{vba_function} Components
            {vba_function_name} = Components
        End Function

        return catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

    def get_point(self, catia):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help
            Sub GetPoint( CATSafeArrayVariant  oCoordinates)

            | Retrieves the position of the point.
            | Parameters:
            | oCoordinates
            | The coordinate of the point with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate
            | oCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate
            | oCoordinates(2) is the Z coordinate
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the coordinate of the point of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Coordinates (2)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetPoint Coordinates

        :param catia: CATIAApplication()
        :return: tuple(float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_point'
        vba_function = 'GetPoint'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim Coordinates (2)
            measurable.{vba_function} Coordinates
            {vba_function_name} = Coordinates
        End Function

        return catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

    def get_points_on_axis(self, catia):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetPointsOnAxis( CATSafeArrayVariant  oCoordinates)

            | Retrieves the the characteristic points of the axis with respect of the size of the revolution object.
            | Parameters:
            | oCoordinates
            | The information of the characteristic points with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate of the centerpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate of the centerpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(2) is the Z coordinate of the centerpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(3) is the X coordinate of the startpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(4) is the Y coordinate of the startpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(5) is the Z coordinate of the startpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(6) is the X coordinate of the endpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(7) is the Y coordinate of the endpoint of the axis
            | oCoordinates(8) is the Z coordinate of the endpoint of the axis
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the characteristic points of the axis of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Coordinates (8)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetPointsOnAxis Coordinates

        :return: tuple(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_points_on_axis'
        vba_function = 'GetPointsOnAxis'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim Coordinates (8)
            measurable.{vba_function} Coordinates
            {vba_function_name} = Coordinates
        End Function

        return catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])

    def get_points_on_curve(self, catia):
        .. note::
            CAA V5 Visual Basic help

            Sub GetPointsOnCurve( CATSafeArrayVariant  oCoordinates)

            | Retrieves the characteristic points of the curve : the start point, the middle point and the end point.
            | Parameters:
            | oCoordinates
            | The information of the characteristic points of the curve with respect to the product coordinate system:
            | oCoordinates(0) is the X coordinate of the startpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(1) is the Y coordinate of the startpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(2) is the Z coordinate of the startpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(3) is the X coordinate of the midpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(4) is the Y coordinate of the midpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(5) is the Z coordinate of the midpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(6) is the X coordinate of the endpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(7) is the Y coordinate of the endpoint of the curve
            | oCoordinates(8) is the Z coordinate of the endpoint of the curve
            | Example:
            | This example retrieves the characteristic points of the curve of NewMeasurable measure.
            |    Dim Coordinates (8)
            |    NewMeasurable.GetPointsOnCurve Coordinates

        :param catia: CATIAApplication()
        :return: tuple(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)

        vba_function_name = 'get_points_on_curve'
        vba_function = 'GetPointsOnCurve'
        vba_code = f'''        
        Public Function {vba_function_name}(measurable)
            Dim Coordinates (8)
            measurable.{vba_function} Coordinates
            {vba_function_name} = Coordinates
        End Function

        return catia.evaluate(vba_code, vba_function_name, [self.measurable])


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