php 极光推送

2017-12-10  本文已影响63人  ISwiftUI

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 // 极光推送
class jpush {

    //private $app_key = 'b5ab0611aa9db704d607ae53';
    //private $master_secret = '5ec8b9fe417acb03d64ad851';

       $receiver="registration_id" : [ "4312kjklfds2", "8914afd2", "45fdsa31" ];
       $receiver="tag" : [ "深圳", "广州", "北京" ]
       $receiver=  "tag" : [ "深圳", "广州" ]
       $receiver= "tag_and" : [ "女", "会员"]
       $receiver="all" 全部

       $m_type = 'http';//推送附加字段的类型
       $m_txt = '';//推送附加字段的类型对应的内容(可不填) 可能是url,可能是一段文字。
       $m_time = '86400';//离线保留时间
      * { "platform" : "all" }
      * { "platform" : ["android", "ios"] }
      *  测试成不成功记得看管理平台上面的统计信息,因为之前把apns_production参数设置成了生产环境,调用接口成功,可是却没有用户,后来改为了开发环境,就成功了。

     function jiguang_send($receive, $content, $platform, $m_type, $m_txt, $m_time) {

         $appkey = 'b5ab0611aa9db704d607ae53'; //AppKey
         $secret = '5ec8b9fe417acb03d64ad851'; //Secret
         $postUrl = "";

         $base64 = base64_encode("$appkey:$secret");
         $header = array("Authorization:Basic $base64", "Content-Type:application/json");
         $data = array();
         $data['platform'] = $platform;          //目标用户终端手机的平台类型android,ios,winphone
         $data['audience'] = $receive;      //目标用户

         $data['notification'] = array(
             "alert" => $content,
             "android" => array(
                 "alert" => $content,
                 "title" => "",
                 "builder_id" => 1,
                 "extras" => array("type" => $m_type, "txt" => $m_txt)
             "ios" => array(
                 "alert" => $content,
                 "badge" => "1",
                 "sound" => "default",
                 "extras" => array("type" => $m_type, "txt" => $m_txt)

         $data['message'] = array(
             "msg_content" => $content,
             "extras" => array("type" => $m_type, "txt" => $m_txt)

         $data['options'] = array(
             "sendno" => time(),
             "time_to_live" => $m_time, //保存离线时间的秒数默认为一天
             "apns_production" => false, //布尔类型   指定 APNS 通知发送环境:0开发环境,1生产环境。或者传递false和true
         $param = json_encode($data);
     //    $postUrl = $this->url;
         $curlPost = $param;

         $ch = curl_init();                                      //初始化curl
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $postUrl);                 //抓取指定网页
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);                    //设置header
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);            //要求结果为字符串且输出到屏幕上
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);                      //post提交方式
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);           // 增加 HTTP Header(头)里的字段
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);        // 终止从服务端进行验证
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
         $return_data = curl_exec($ch);                                 //运行curl

         return $return_data;


