SAP 修行

Hybris Commerce Product字段名列表

2019-12-31  本文已影响0人  华山令狐冲

我在Hybris Backoffice里搜索Product,返回两条记录

使用Flexible search在Hybris Administration Console里能得到同样的结果:

select * from {Product} where {code} = 'cris03'


CREATEDTS: 这个产品创建的时间戳
TYPEPKSTRING: Hybris Product这个item type的唯一标识code,类型为字符串。

TypePKString represents the code of an item type. There is a unique code for each of the item types in your hybris system e.g. execute the flexible query, SELECT DISTINCT {item.itemType} FROM {Product as item} in hAC and it will give you the TypePKString of Product and all its child item types. You can validate the same by hovering the mouse over the rows representing Product or its child item types on Maintenance > Deployment page of hAC. I have also attached the screenshots for your quick reference.

Note: If you are interested to check the TypePKString of just Product, you should execute the flexible query, SELECT DISTINCT {item.itemType} FROM {Product! as item}.

因此,我搜索出来的两条记录的TYPEPKSTRING都相同,因为这两个来自staged和online catalog的实例,其类型都为Product.

这个值8796098297938,也可以在Hybris Administration comsole的Maintenance->Deployment菜单里查到:

PK:产品实例的主键。这个值在Backoffice product Administration标签页里能查到:


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