I love 游职场菜鸟成长记大学生世界


2018-03-18  本文已影响138人  Jason外贸旅途




一. 展会邀请函,用邮件发,先发邮件再电话,或先电话邀请再补一封关于展会详细信息邮件,内容包括:

展会名称:Canton Fair(Exhibition)




二. 展会电话邀请如何打?因为展会是一次很好的让客户记住我们的机会,我们必须好好利用。

1. 电话得知客人不参展,该聊什么呢?

C: Hello, DEF company. 您好,这里是DEF公司

A: Hi, May I speak to Mark, please? 您好,请问Mark在吗?

C: Who is calling? 您是哪位?

(May I know your name and your company name? 我可以知道你的名字和公司名字么? )

A: This is Jason from ABC company in China,We contacted Mark before.  我是中国ABC公司的Jason,之前联系过Mark。

C: One moment, please.  请等等。

B: Hi, Jason. 您好,Jason

A: Hi, Mark, how are you? 您好,Mark,你好吗?

B: Good, you? 好,你呢?

A: I am doing great, thank you. 我也很好,谢谢

Mark, Canton Fair is coming, will you attend the Fair? We'd like to invite you to our booth/stand.  Mark,广交会马上要来了,你会参加展会么?我们想邀请你到我们展位来看看。

B: Thank you, but we will not go to the Fair.  谢谢,但是我们不去展会。

A: OK,I see. Did you come to China before?  好的,您之前来过中国么?

B: No, we didn't. Hope one day I can go to China.  没有,希望有一天我们会去。

A: OK, When you come to China, just call me, we can have dinner together.  好的,你来中国的时候,告诉我,我们可以共进晚餐。 (have a cup of coffee instead of have dinner)

B: That's fine. 好的。

A: After the Fair, we will send you some information, and let you know the market trend.  展会过后,我们也会给你一些信息,让你知道市场信息。

B: OK, Thank you. 好哒,谢谢

A: You are welcome, have a nice day. 别客气,祝你度过一个美好的一天

B: Same to you, bye. 你也一样,再会

A: Bye. 再会

2. 电话得知客人会参展,又该聊什么呢?

A: Hello, this is Jason calling from China, may I speak to Tom, please? 您好,我是来自中国的Jason,请问Tom在吗?

B: Yes, it's me. 是的,我就是

A: Hi, Tom, how are you? 海,Tom,你好吗?

B: Good, how about you? 好,你呢?

A: I am doing allright, thank you. 我也很好,谢谢

 Tom, Canton Fair is coming, will you attend the Fair?

We'd like to invite you to our booth/stand.    


B:Yes, we will be there. 是的,我们会参加

A: When will you come to China.  什么时候来中国?

B: We will leave for China in Oct.  我们10月份启程去中国。

A: Before the Fair, right?  在展会之前么?

B: Yes, we will visit some suppliers.  是的,我们会去看几家供应商。

A: Will you come to Shenzhen? Welcome to our company, and I will show you around Shenzhen, here is very beautiful,you will like it.


 B: Thank you, we will check our schedule.  谢谢,我们会查一下行程。

A: We are in LED business for 5 years, and we have some new products to show you, really hope you can come to visit us. We can arrange to pick you up when you are in Shenzhen.


B: OK, we will check and let you know. 好的,我们看看然后告诉你。

A: How many days will you stay in China?  你在中国要呆几天?

B: Around 15 days.  


A: By the way, did you book hotel already, do you need our help?  顺便说一下,您已经定了酒店了么,需要我们帮忙么?

B: No, thank you. I'll make it. 不了,谢谢,我们自己订。

A: OK, Tom,thank you for your time, I am Jason from ABC company in China, I will send you an Email later. 好的,Tom,谢谢你的宝贵时间,我是这个ABC公司的Jason,我待会儿会发邮件给您。

B: OK. Thank you Jason. 好的,谢谢Jason

A: Have a nice day, bye. 祝你度过美好的一天,再会

B: Bye. 再会

三. 电话中了解客户是否参加展会。

1. 客人不参加:

a. 可以问客人是否来过中国,有来中国的时候,可以随时联系我们,欢迎参观我司,还可以带他去逛逛我们美丽的城市。

b. 强调展会后我们会发邮件分享给客人,让客人意识到即便他们这次没参加,他们也可以从我们这里得知最新和最即时的展会资讯。

2. 客人确认参加:

a. 问客人行程安排,问客人在中国待多久,并邀请来我们展位看看一些产品,特别是一些新品。

b. 问客人是否预定了酒店,是否需要我们帮忙订酒店,多关心客人这次行程锁要注意的事项,比如:展会期间的天气如何,提醒客人是否要带伞,带衣服等,用心对待客人,你中有我,我中有你!



