DFT on arbitrary rings

2019-01-12  本文已影响0人  zjsdut

摘抄自 Fast multiplication of polynomials over arbitrary rings, David G. Cantor & Erich Kaltofen

Rings with a Fourier Transform

The main feature of our algorithm is that it works over an arbitrary ring R. We write 0\in R for its additive zero element and 1\in R for its multiplicative unit, 0 \ne 1. Any ring is \mathbb Z module by (-1) a := -a and na := \sum_{j=1}^{n} a, n \in \mathbb Z, n \ge 0. The integers \mathbb Z are embeded into R by \Pi(n) = n \cdot 1, and we write n shortly for the element n \cdot 1. Notice that a 'rng' R without a unit can be embedded into the ring \mathbb Z\times R with unit (1,0) and addition and multiplication defined as
(m, a) + (n, b) := (m + n, a + b), (m, a)(n, b) := (mn, mb + na + ab), so all our results hold for such rngs as well. The subring \Pi(\mathbb Z) is either isomorphic to \mathbb Z or to \mathbb Z_m, the integers modulo m for some m. We write R^n for the left R-module of n-dimensional vectors over R, and we write a_i, 0\le i\le n-1, for the i-th component of {\bf a}\in R^n.

In the following, we introduce the theory for the fast Fourier transform, here for the abstract module R^n.

Definition: Let R be a ring, n \in \mathbb Z, n\ge 2, \omega \in R. Then \omega is a principal n-th root of unity if
(PR1) \omega^n = 1; note that then \omega^{-1} = \omega^{n-1}.
(PR2) For all i \in \mathbb Z: i \not\equiv 0 \pmod{n} \implies \sum_{j = 0}^{n-1} \omega ^{ij} = 0.
(PR3) For all w \in R: \omega w = w \omega; this condition is needed when computing convolutions in noncommutative rings.

Definition: Let R be a ring, n \ge 1, \omega a principal n-th root of unity in R, {\bf a}, \hat{\bf a} \in R^n. Then \hat{\bf a} is the discrete Fourier transform of {\bf a} with respect to \omega, denoted as \hat{\bf a} = \mathrm{DFT}[[\omega]]({\bf a}), respectively \bf{a} is the discrete Fourier inverse of \hat{\bf a} with respect to \omega, {\bf a} = \mathrm{DFI}[[\omega]](\hat{\bf a}), if \text{for all $i$ with $0\le i\le n-1$: } \hat a_i = \sum_{j = 0}^{n-1} \omega^{ij} a_j.
For the purpose of fast computation, one chooses n = s^k. Following is the now-famous algorithm to compute the forward transform.

Algorithm Fast DFT
Input: n = s^k, \omega \in R such that \omega^n =1, {\bf a} \in R^n.
Output: \hat{\bf a}=\mathrm{DFT}[[\omega]]({\bf a}) \in R^n.
If n = 1 Then Return \hat{\bf a} \gets {\bf a} = [a_0].
Step S (Split-up): Since for 0 \le i < n/s, r\in \mathbb Z_s we have
\hat a_{si+r} = \sum_{j = 0}^{n-1} \omega^{(si+r)j}a_j = \sum_{j = 0}^{n/s-1}\sum_{l=0}^{s-1}\omega^{(si+r)(j+\ell n/s)} a_{j + \ell n / s} = \sum_{j = 0} ^{n/s-1} (\omega^s)^{ij} \left(\sum_{\ell = 0}^{s-1} \omega^{r\ell n/s + rj} a_{j + \ell n / s}\right)
We have
[\hat a_{si+r}]_{i = 0, \dots, n/s-1} = \mathrm{DFT}[[\omega^s]] \left(\left[\omega^{rj} \sum_{\ell = 0}^{s-1} \omega^{r\ell n/s} a_{j + \ell n / s}\right]\right)

\rho \gets \omega^{n/s}; \rho^{(0)} \gets 1; \omega^{(0)} \gets 1.
For r \gets 0, \dots, s - 1 Do
\quad \rho^{(r)} \gets \rho^{(r-1)}; \omega^{(r)} \gets \omega^{(r-1)} \omega.
\quadFor j \gets 0, \dots, n/s -1 Do
\qquad \quad \omega^{(rj)} \gets \omega^{(rj - r)} \omega^{(r)}.
\qquad \quad u_{j}^{(r)} \gets \omega^{(rj)} \sum_{\ell = 0}^{s-1} (\rho^{(r)})^{\ell} a_{j + \ell n /s}.

Step R (Recursion}:
For r \gets 0, \dots, s-1 Do
\quad Call the algorithm recursively with n' \gets n/s, \omega' \gets \omega^s,
\quad and {\bf u}^{(r)} \in R^{n/s}, obtaining \hat {\bf u}^{(r)} = \mathrm{DFT}[[\omega']]({\bf u}^{(r)})

Step I (Insertion):
For r \gets 0, \dots, s-1 Do
\quad For i \gets 0, \dots, n/s Do
\qquad \quad \hat a_{si+r} \gets \hat u_i^{(r)}
Return \hat {\bf a}.\quad \square


