Quartz 2D 编程指南0:简介

2017-05-24  本文已影响84人  bobociel


Core Graphics,also known as Quartz 2D, is an advanced, two-dimensional drawing engine available for iOS,tvOS, and macOS application development.Quartz 2D provides low-level,lightweight 2D rendering with unmached output fidelity regardless of display or printing device.Quartz 2D is resolution- and device-independent.

核心绘画也被称作Quartz 2D,是先进的二维绘画引擎,适用于iOS,tvOS,macOS应用程序开发。Quartz 2D提供低级别,轻量级的2D渲染与无与伦比的输出保真度无论显示或打印设备。Quartz 2D与分辨率和设备无关。(也就是说,不用关心设备的大小,设备的分辨率,只要利用Quartz 2D,这些设备相关的会自动处理。)

The Quartz 2D API is easy to use and provides access to powerful features such as transparency layers, path-based drawing, offset rendering, advanced color management, anti-aliased rendering, and PDF document creation, display, and parsing.

Quartz 2D接口很容易使用,它提供了强大的功能,例如图层透明,基于路径的绘制,高级颜色管理,反锯齿,PDF文档创建,显示和解析。

Who Should Read This Document?

This document is intended for developers who need to perform any of the following tasks:

  • Draw Graphics


Organization of This Document

This document is organized into the following chapters:

See Also
These items are essential reading for anyone using Quartz 2D:
Core Graphics Framework Reference] provides a complete reference for the Quartz 2D application programming interface.
Color Management Overview is a brief introduction to the principles of color perception, color spaces, and color management systems.
Mailing lists. Join the quartz-dev mailing list to discuss problems using Quartz 2D.

这些项目是使用Quartz 2D的人员必不可少的阅读材料:
Core Graphics Framework Reference为Quartz 2D应用程序编程接口提供了完整的参考指南。
邮寄名单 加入 quartz-dev邮件列表来讨论使用Quartz 2D的问题。

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