Princeton Alogorithm COS226 Week
we already learnt red-black BST, and hash table.
is there a way we can do better?
yes, if we can avoid examining the entire key, as with string sorting.


JAVA implementation

popular interview question: design a data structure to perform efficient spell checking.
solution: build a 26-way trie(key = word, value = bit)
deletion in a trie
first, find the node corresponding to key and set value to null
second, if node has null value and null links, remove that node (and recur)

but the drawback of R-WAY trie is the memory

less memory trie

search hit

search miss

if we could combine the faster time of R-way Trie and less memory of Tenary search tree

TST vs Hashing
need to examine entire key
search hits and misses cost about the same
performance relies on hash function
does not support ordered symbol table operations
works only for strings (or digital keys)
only examines just enough key characters
search miss may involve only a few characters
supports ordered symbol table operations (plus others)
TST faster than hashing especially for search misses
ordered iteration
to iterate through all keys in sorted order:
do inorder traversal of trie;; add keys encountered to a queue.
maintain sequence of characters on path from root to node.

Longest prefix

add this implementation in extra credit
T9 texting

add this implementation in extra credit
Patricia trie(radix tree)
remove one-way branching; each node represents a sequence of characters;

add this implementation in extra credit
suffix tree
Patricia trie of suffixes of a string

Q1 Prefix free codes

insert the binary strings into a 2-way trie. then during insert check the path could not have the node which have value, and when it reach end, there should not exists more children in the node.
Q2 Boggle

same as project
Q3 Suffix trees

to be done in the future
course quiz and project :