Snobbish 11-24

2020-11-24  本文已影响0人  MaryW

越长大,越是会发现自己身边的势力主义,creeping near you, sneaking around you. 

For them, every favor they give is intended to elicit larger rewards from you. 

定义:from Wiki 

Snob is a pejorative term for a person who believes there is a correlation between social status and human worth.[1] Snob also refers to a person who feels superiority over those from lower social classes, education levels, or other social areas. The word snobbery came into use for the first time in England during the 1820s.

Snobs can through time be found ingratiating themselves with a range of prominent groups – soldiers (Sparta, 400 BC), bishops (Rome, 1500), poets (Weimar, 1815), farmers (China, 1967) – for the primary interests of snobs is distinction, and as its definition changes, so, naturally and immediately, will the objects of the snob's admiration.[1]

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