外刊笔记 | 李佳琦、薇娅与欧莱雅的流量之争
According to Li Jiaqi, who is widely known as China’s “lipstick king” for his feat of selling 15,000 lipsticks in five minutes, L’Oréal advertised in October that people could score the year’s biggest discount for a facial mask if they tuned in for his live-streaming sales sessions. However, customers later found out they were able to buy the facial mask at a lower price by snatching coupons during L’Oréal’s own live-streaming sessions during the annual shopping spree, said Li.
feat这个词很大,表示丰功伟绩,( approving ) an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage 技艺;武艺;功绩;英勇事迹
The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering. 这条隧道是工程方面的光辉业绩。
to perform/attempt/achieve astonishing feats 表演惊人的技艺;争取╱取得惊人的功绩
The airline has a good safety record . 这家航空公司的安全情况一向很好。
He has an impressive record of achievement. 他所取得的一系列成就令人赞叹。
The report criticizes the government's record on housing. 这份报告批评了政府在住房问题上的所作所为。
Score the year’s biggest discount
我们之前常常说社交媒体上的关注用follow,今天这段话中,关注某人的直播间tune in... 这个词原本是用来说关注某个广播电视节目的,英文解释是:to listen to a radio programme or watch a television programme 收听(收音机广播节目);收看(电视节目)
“抢购”的表达有哪些?比如我们在华尔街日报:抱歉,今年没有万圣节提到的buy up: PHRASAL VERB If you buy up land, property, or a commodity, you buy large amounts of it, or all that is available. 全部 (或尽量) 买下
Other, smaller shops are buying up vintage or used masks, costumes and other paraphernalia from local collectors.此外,一些规模较小的商店正从当地收藏家那里抢购复古面具或二手面具、服装和其他装备。
还有名词rush: rush: [singular,单数] a situation in which a lot of people suddenly try to do or get something〔很多人〕争做,急需,抢购
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There’s always a rush on swimsuits in the hot weather. 到了大热天泳衣总是很抢手。
scoop up这个词组表示:If you scoop something up, you put your hands or arms under it and lift it in a quick movement. (敏捷地)抱起,拿起,捡起;看似没啥关联,但看看这个例句:
Fans scooped up the trading cards in the first few hours of the sale. 开卖仅仅几个小时,影迷们就把收藏卡抢购一空。
接着就来到今天这个段落的snap up something: PHRASAL VERB If you snap something up, you buy it quickly because it is cheap or is just what you want. 争购
...a millionaire ready to snap them up at the premium price of $200 a gallon.…一个百万富翁准备以每加仑$200的高价抢购它们。
这段话最后一句也有一个类似的词组,a shopping spree,也可以用a spending spree,可以搭配动词go on...
还有就是一些类似争抢的动词也可以考虑,比如scramble,想去听某个歌手的演唱会,一票难求啊,millions of fans are scrambling for tickets.
rush/fight/clamor/flock/swarm to buy…
flock/swarm to the market for…
今天微博上围绕李佳琦和薇娅直播间与欧莱雅的纠纷,有很多讨论。其实这不光是直播间和品牌厂商之间的纷争,更是流量之争。各大平台都在争夺流量,直播间希望谈到独家coupons,圈一波流量,不然谁还tune in his live-streaming sales sessions?但这么大的优惠给了他人做嫁衣,厂商感到实在是意难平,于是就暗戳戳搞点小动作,给自己导流啦~~