英语圣经阅读笔记 1 - Genesis 1:1~5
初心:更多地认识神的话语,记录阅读中的思考和疑问, 学习不熟悉的英语词汇和用法,提高自己的英语阅读和写作能力。
创世纪 Genesis
The traditional Greek name for the first and best-known book of the Bible is Genesis, meaning "origin". Genesis tells the stories of the creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's ark, the Tower of Babel, Abraham and his sons, and more—the stories that explain how the world and humanity were created, as well as much about how humanity, and especially the descendants of Abraham, relate to the rest of the world. Today we use genesis to refer to the creative beginnings of much smaller things, but never unimportant ones.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
我注意到这里的heaven用了复数。查了一下更早的KJV英文版本,发现那里的翻译没有用复数,而是用的单数heaven。 为什么后来的翻译要把“天”翻译成复数呢? 难道是因为我们对于宇宙有更多的认识以后,觉得其实我们以前认识的天只是很小的一个区域,其实有很多很多类似的太阳系和银行系吗?
Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
注意这里的Spirit 和 God都是大写,是特指圣灵和唯一的真神耶和华。
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day.
圣经有非常多不同的版本,这里选用的是NIV (New International Version 新国际版),是目前在英语国家被最为广泛使用的圣经版本。相比于一些老的英语版本,比如1611年出版的KJV(King James Version),NIV版的英文更接近于现代英语,因此更容易读。但是有些地方会因为便于阅读而失去了一些原有的含义。所以我习惯于读NIV的,但是用KJV的做参考,尤其是发现中英文的意思不匹配的时候。
祷告: 亲爱的阿爸天父,我要感谢赞美你,感谢你在茫茫人海中拣选了我。虽然我已虚度46年光阴,但我有幸认识了你。也许我穷其一生也无法达到你为我设定的目的,但求你与我同行,帮助我,让我能享受这一路的风景。行动是缓解焦虑的最好途径。愿你能帮助我从每天繁忙琐碎的工作和生活当中常常抽出时间,来到你的面前,聆听和思考你的话语,也借此提高自己的英语和写作能力,让我可以更好地来认识你创造的世界,并且为你的福音见证尽一点点微薄的力。求你亲自带路。祷告是奉考主耶稣基督宝贵的圣名,阿门!