What makes a joke joke?

2020-12-06  本文已影响0人  Rollin_Panda

Yubing's sharing is as what it is always be - unique, funny, impressive, imformative and profound.
He always makes me think: where can he get so many ideas?
Maybe these ideas are not brand new, but he delivered it in a persuasive way, especially through his own experience and examples around him. Let's see what he had shared today - the way to crack jokes.

For content

  1. self-mockery
    It's a safe way to do jokes, nobody will feel uneasy, but if you want to maintain your elegant image, you can do jokes with your relationship and like "one of my friend".
  2. unexpected - turn around
  3. play with word/sound - pun 双关. Your left brain has nothing right and you right brain has nothing left.
  4. call back
  5. Tease/ironic, use it very carefully. Mark Twain. What if political dies? He still lies.

For performance

  1. exaggeration
  2. Anatomy
  3. Body language
  4. Imitation

Don't forget the purpose of a speech:


I think everybody can conclude in their own way. This classification above maybe suitable for most people in some ways, but when you're cracking jokes, you may feel more.


