英文回译:Travel Is No Cure for the M
. 当我们觉得生活陷入了机械性的重复之中,大多数人会认为,旅行是最好的解决之道。
. Travel is the answer much of us look to when we feel the automation of life.
. 起床、上班、下班、回家休息放松、上床睡觉.......这一切循环往复,如同走上了一条永无尽头的道路。
. Waking up, going to work, getting off work, going home, relaxing, going to sleep, and then doing it all over again can feel like a never-ending road.
. 这是一个“纸盒模型”的模型,从我们日常生活中的一周、一月、一年中任意抽取一天,你会发现,自己的活动空间都只有这么大。
. This is The Box of Daily Experience, and it is the space we occupy on any given day of the week/month/year in which we live our lives.
. 纸盒的边界明确界定了每个人当下的现状。因此当我们心怀期待,展望着激动人心的未来,其实是希望抛开纸盒,体验不同的情感,比如惊喜和灵感。
. The boundaries of our box define our present-day situation, so when we dreamingly gaze toward the prospects of an exciting future, we look outside of it to experience like wonderment, and inspiration.
. 你下决心抛开这个纸盒,因为正是它带来了源源不断的烦扰。你坚定地认为,解决这一问题的最好方式是旅行。
. You decide that the box needs to be left behind, because it is the source of perpetual discontentmen, and you determine that the best way to do this is through travel.
. 于是你请好假,来到一个从未去过的国度。你陶醉于陌生事物的美,让自己沉浸在广阔的异域文化与新奇生活中,而这样的生活是纸盒无法给予你的。
. So you take some time off work, and head off to a country you've never been to. You revel in the beauty of the unfamiliar and immerse yourself in a boundless expanse of culture, and life that your box has never known.