

2018-11-20  本文已影响3人  易渔_

Facebook was embroiled in a crisis over its privacy policies, after it emerged that data on 50m users had been harvested from an app for psychological tests and then shared with Cambridge Analytica, a political data-mining firm.

一款用于心理测试的应用程序获取了关于 5000 万 Facebook 用户的数据,接着这些数据被分享给了政治性的数据挖掘公司 Cambridge Analytica 。事情浮出水面后,Facebook便卷入了一场关于其隐私政策的危机。

Cambridge Analytica allegedly used the data to create voter profiles during the 2016 presidential election in America, enabling the Trump campaign to craft messages to potential supporters. Facebook banned the app in 2015\. It said it had been “deceived” and promised to tighten up its rules on data. Politicians in America and Britain called for tighter regulation of social media. Facebook’s share price swooned.

据称,Cambridge Analytica 在 2016年美国总统选举期间利用这些数据创建了选民资料,使得特朗普竞选班子能够精心策划一些传达给潜在支持者的信息。2015年,Facebook 禁用了该应用程序。它说自己  “被欺骗”了,并承诺会收紧其数据规则。美国和英国的政界人士呼吁加强对社交媒体的监管。Facebook 的股价萎靡不振。

原文出处:Page 7, The world this week, The Economist March 24th 2018



