大唐的Table Topics®
一、Table Topics®
看见Table Topics右上角的®了吗?啥意思呀?注册商标呢~
所以说,记住啦是Table Topics。不是Chair Topics,也不是Table Topic,是Table Topics,一个字母也不能少哟~
对于任何头马相关的东西、或南北、甚至中,在头马官网上都有相应的指导Manual。对于Table Topics,大家可以翻看《1167 A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats》,上面给出了基本的指导意见。
1. Table Topics是什么?
2.1 为什么做TTM?
2.2 TTM要干啥?
会前:a) 准备一个主题和至少6个问题;b) 确认哪些会员在例会中没有角色,TT环节可以叫他们上台发言。
会中:a) 简要介绍主题的背景和目标;b) 交代时间规则;c) 邀请会员上台,简明扼要叙述问题。如果有Word of the Day,鼓励大家使用;d) 对speaker的speech一两句简明扼要的comments;e) 时刻留意时间的使用情况,在时间不允许情况下,适当减少问题。
总之:TTM是活跃气氛,引发思考,在保证不超时的情况下,把stage time尽可能多的留给Speaker的这么一个人(掌声~)。
3.1 为什么参与TT?
短时间将你的想法组织成为具有逻辑性的speech的即兴演讲能力+Stage time。
3.2 TT Speaker要说啥?
大唐的mission是“Cradle for Speech Masters and Great Leaders”,所以嘞,对于Speech Masters and Great Leaders怎么能够不擅长即兴演讲呢?再说,Table Topics还是国际比赛呢。
1. 大唐的TTM怎么做?
【主题】:可以从Toastmaster Magazine上找主题和问题,绝对的高大上。比如,2019年8月的头马杂志上有两篇文章,一篇提到了“Be the change you want to see in the world”,另一篇是“The Link between LISTENING and SPEAKING: making meaning from sound”。两篇文章既高度符合头马内涵,又值得大家思考。所以,我就以“Change”和“Listen”做了两次TT,效果不错呢。
【Speaker优先级】:大唐会员>头马会员> 举手的guest。因为Our club mission is “… in which our MEMBERs are empowered to develop …”。
2. 大唐的TT Speaker怎么做?
基础篇:AREM法则 → Answer, Reason, Example, and Message.
高阶篇:AREM + Never Answer the Question, Never Say the Cliché, Never Deviate from the Topic. Do the TT like a prepared speech.
3. 大唐的TTE怎么做?
啥都别说了,对标国际比赛呗。JUDGING CRITERIA如下
A. Content (55%)
Speech Development (30%) is the way the speaker puts ideas together so the audience can understand them. The Table Topics® response is structured around a purpose, and this structure must include an opening, body and conclusion. The response is supported by relevant examples and illustrations, facts and figures, if appropriate, and is delivered smoothly.
Effectiveness (25%) is your subjective judgement of how the response came across. Were you able to determine the speaker’s purpose? Did the speech relate directly to the given question or topic? Was the response clearly and logically presented?
B. Delivery (30%)
Physical presentation (15%) of the response carries part of the responsibility for effective communication. The speaker’s appearance should reinforce his or her response. Body language should support points through gestures, expressions and body positioning. The speaker makes effective use of and stays within the designated speaking area.
Voice (15%) is the sound that carries the message. It should be flexible, moving from one pitch level to another for emphasis, and should have a variety of rate and volume. A good voice can be clearly heard and the words easily understood.
C. Language (15%)
Appropriateness (10%) of language refers to the choice of words that relate to the speech purpose and to the particular audience hearing the speech. Language should promote clear understanding of thoughts and should fit the occasion precisely.
Correctness (5%) of language ensures that attention will be directed toward what the speaker says, not how it is said. Proper use of grammar and correct pronunciation will show that the speaker is the master of the words being used.
Datang Advanced Toastmaster Club
D88, H2, Club no: 7110355
Chartered on 2018/12/09
See you on Every Staturday Morning 10:10-12:00